STE: Our reinstatement in the order but not enough – Avea Nsoh


General News on Thursday, April 4, 2019



Professor Ephraim Avea Nsoh has recently been reinstated at STE Professor Ephraim Avea Nsoh has recently been reinstated at STE

One of the lecturers from the University of Education, Winneba (UEW), who has been reinstated, wants the institution's board of governors to re-establish the situation of all those returned at the beginning of the resolution process. crisis in the school.

According to the director of UEW language colleges, Professor Ephraim Avea Nsoh, although the decision to restore them is welcoming, all the leading licensed officers must also be recalled.

The UEW Board of Governors reinstated Wednesday its three speakers, Drs Emmanuel Osei Sarpong, Frimpong Kwaku Duku and Ephraim Avea Nsoh.

Last month, the three people and other staff members were fired following a student protest.
They were charged with insubordination, misconduct and violation of the rules of procedure.

But, reacting to the latest development on Eyewitness News, Professor Nsoh insisted that as long as the council would not provide a fair playing field to all concerned involved in this matter, the stalemate solution would remain outstanding.

"I do not think it's holistic enough and it seems discriminatory. This does not mean that the board has not made any effort to reintegrate us. We really appreciate that, but we think that is not enough because some of our colleagues are still here. There are other requests but the first good will is to say that everyone comes back, and then we can go from there.

"It's on the same basis that all these people were fired. But you decide to reinstate three people and leave the others, I do not think it's right. The best way to solve this problem is to allow them all to come back. There is a problem and if you want to solve the problem, you have to tell staff and students that you are ready for everyone to come back. The council should do more, besides that, we have not tried to solve the problem at all. "

EU: Three reinstated lecturers, school reopening on April 8

According to a statement issued by the STE Board of Directors, these reinstatements occur after the "reconciliation steps".

The Directing Council had previously urged the speakers concerned to "submit a request for review of their cases".

In the meantime, the school will also reopen on April 8, 2019, after the closing of the premises following the student demonstrations.

The academic calendar should also be reviewed.

The statement added that the council was concerned that "the current situation is attracting a negative report for the University on the media landscape, which bodes badly for the brand image and the development of institutions."

Before the reopening, the statement warned that "campus resident students will only be allowed to enter the main residences of both campuses as of Monday, April 8, 2019, and not before."

Layoffs and events

ETU students were protesting the recent dismissal of some of the school's executives by the vice-chancellor.

The situation resulted in a series of student demonstrations, including a violent one that resulted in the destruction of several school buildings, forcing the police to use tear gas to disperse angry students who threw stones at police officers.

The request was also accompanied by calls for reinstated lecturers and other staff members to be immediately reinstated.

In the heat of the moment, some students felt that the layoffs were an act of sabotage, adding that they would protest until their demands were met.

Students and lecturers insisted that the vice-chancellor of the school, rev. Anthony Afful-Broni, must give up the normality to return to school.

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