Stephen Colbert says "crown" jumped shark with Trump cameo


"This season of" The Crown "has really taken a leap forward." – STEPHEN COLBERT

Trevor Noah speculated on the queen's motivation for the gift.

"That's right: the Queen's gift for Donald Trump was a book. Either she does not know Trump or she's watching him. Why would you give a book to Donald Trump? Everyone knows that the man does not read! I would like to be there when the queen has given her her gift. She says, "There you are, Donald, a book on the Second World War." He says, "Wow, it's sad." "Yes, many lives have been lost." it's so sad! "- TREVOR NOAH

"The Queen also drove Trump on a tour of the Royal Collection where he discovered British history. [As Trump] "Enough of books, Liz. Boring. Show me the magicians. I know you have them somewhere here. & # 39; & # 39; – STEPHEN COLBERT

In an interview with Axios on Sunday night, Jared Kushner was asked if he thought his father-in-law was racist, using Trump's batherism as a reference to President Barack Obama. Kushner replied that he "was not involved" and therefore could not comment.

"It's an interesting way of thinking about racism: you can only identify it if you see it first-hand. "Was slavery racist?" "I do not know, man! I was not there, O.K. I just heard good things, I was not there! " TREVOR NOAH

"But seriously, how does Jared lie so badly? He's around Trump all the time. You would think that he would practice. It's like working at Waffle House and not knowing how to throw a punch, we'll be knocked out! "- TREVOR NOAH

"Wow, Jared has not been brought to the hedgerow like that since he was sculpted by Geppetto." – STEPHEN COLBERT

"Unlike President Obama, President Trump has not been invited to stay at Buckingham Palace. Yes, when asked why, the queen said, "We are worried about the value of our property." CONAN O'BRIEN

"Really?" The 52 rooms at Buckingham Palace are being renovated? All? Go guy! For example, I know you do not want Trump to stay there, but it's a terrible excuse, because I imagine that the queen is like, "Donald, I really tried to find you a room, but the manager refused, I'm sorry, Donald, it's over me now. TREVOR NOAH

"[Imitating royal aide] Oh, Mr. President, Mr. President, I am very sorry. We would like you to stay here, but chimney sweeps clean the toilets. It will not be done until 2020 or, God help us, 2024. "- STEPHEN COLBERT

Conan O'Brien shared some secret audio data captured during Trump's visit with the Queen.

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