Sterling: Pep keeps us on our guard!


Raheem Sterling says he is under the guidance of Pep Guardiola, constantly called to become the best.

The winger enjoys an outstanding personal and collective form, earning praise and deserved nominations for the player's title of the PFA season.

In 42 appearances this season, Sterling scored 19 goals and 16 badists, one of the keys to City's unprecedented City Quad quest, and attributes his coach's talent to motivation.

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"To be part of such an amazing team with a great coach and environment, you are constantly learning," he said.

"Pep is someone who trusts you and encourages you to do better.

"You can never, never stay still. He keeps you on your guard. You are never comfortable. "

Sterling's efforts on the ground are not the only ones to be hailed, with England taking a stand in the fight against racism.

The midfielder was named Sportsman of the Year at the 2019 British Ethnic Diversity Sports Awards, but remained humble in his "pioneering" title.

"I do not really think I can make a difference," he said. "This has been happening since before my birth and before the birth of my parents.

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"I can only talk about events on me and around me. I am not trying to be someone who can lead.

"You just have to shed light on the allegations by organizing sit-ups, talking and seeing how the players feel. Then see what they can do and how we can go from here.

"Growing up, my mother always told me that I was a wonderful black kid and I know it. I am confident with my body.

"Some people can not take it but my mother told me to love myself and who I am."

City will return to the Champions League Tuesday night with Tottenham's visit to the new Spurs Stadium.

Sterling is excited about the opportunity to take part in the European debut of the venue and hopes his team can continue to play our leading role.

"It's a beautiful stadium," he said. "I'm happy to finally see him in the flesh, after hearing about it.

"Let's hope we have a good game tomorrow night.

"Playing in the Champions League every year is always a huge bonus. It's an incredible competition to participate in and on a stage like this, it's very special.

"It's a special thing, but we have to stay focused and try to appreciate it as much as possible."

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