Steven Gerrard must overcome lack of discipline, says Neil Lennon of Celtic


NOTLennon and his badistant, John Kennedy, both defended Brown as more sin than sin, prompting Gerrard on Thursday to say they "played the victim's card." Cue Lennon, at her press conference for Saturday's meeting with Livingston, about her counterpart at Ibrox.

"He has to take care of his things. What Steven should be talking about is the lack of discipline of his team and his opponents, as well as the lack of respect for the game, not for me and John Kennedy, "said Lennon.

"We just call it as we see it. He is not allowed to use this kind of incendiary language. I'm not happy about that. The only rational thing Steven Gerrard said this week is that they played the best team in the country on Sunday,

"It seems to me that someone coils Steven from behind. I was attacked on the street and so I was badaulted.

"I was a victim of sending suspicious parcels and coins, and I was badaulted at a stadium. People say that I bring it myself. It's their mentality and I'm sorry for those people. "

The accumulation of charges and counter-charges recalled the Old Firm derby of March 3, 2011, when Lennon, then in his first season as manager of Celtic, got involved in a confrontation with Ally McCoist, Walter's badistant. Smith to Rangers.

"That night, three players were kicked out of the Rangers, who were lost in all the quarrels about me and Coisty," Lennon said. "Three players were sent off, two on the field and one after the match.

"The same thing happened again, three players were kicked out and Scott Brown is blamed, which is absolute nonsense."

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