Stop new parliamentary chamber project – John Boadu says leadership


The new Patriotic Party (NPP) has called on the leaders of Parliament to cancel its new 450-seat parliamentary chamber project.

According to him, the NPP is surprised that a decision made in parliament by the leaders sparked opposition from the same members of parliament.

Speaking about Okay FM's "Ade Akye Abia" program, the party's secretary general, John Boadu, explained that although the project was not approved by the government, it should be stopped immediately because the majority of Ghanaians do not support it.

"You see, members of the National Democratic Congress are just a bunch of hypocrites who do not want the country to develop."

"How can you agree in principle on a project and later disagree on the same project?" He asked.

"I firmly believe that if this project is stopped, it will bring a respite to Ghanaians," he added.

In addition, the secretary general of the National Democratic Congress said that the party was opposed to the construction of the project.

Speaking as part of Okay FM's "Ade Akye Abia" program, the NDC secretary explained that the amount of the project is outrageous.

Johnson Asiedu Nketia thinks that the project money can be used to provide basic amenities to the Ghanaian population.

Read below a copy of their statement


The National Democratic Congress (NDC) learned that the Akufo-Addo government and the Parliamentary Service Council were planning to build a parliamentary chamber with a budget of 200 million and a capacity of 450 seats. .

The NDC wishes to state unequivocally that it opposes these excessive expenses in an era of great distress for the people of Ghana. Despite the progress made in the country's development, many people live in deplorable conditions and are deprived of the basic necessities of life.

In the 21st century, more than 20% of Ghanaians live without drinking water and are forced to share very dirty and infested water with animals. About 16% of our population does not have access to electricity and sleeps in the dark.
There are still many roads that need urgent attention because of their deplorable state. School children still study under trees or are forced to study in dilapidated structures.
Nearly three million Ghanaians live below the poverty line and can not afford three meals a day.

In the face of these challenges, it would be unacceptable for President Akufo-Addo to spend $ 200 million for a parliamentary badembly at a time when there is already one and meets the needs of Parliament. The Job 600 project has only recently been undertaken by Parliament to provide decent offices to MPs. We can not understand on what basis a new room should be built.

We demand the immediate cessation of plans to undertake this project. National resources must be allocated to projects and expenditures that have a direct impact on the lives of the population, but not to grandiose and prestigious projects of dubious relevance.

We congratulate all Ghanaians who rose and condemned the imprudence of the Akufo-Addo government in this matter and expressed, in a collective voice, their opposition to these useless and useless expenses.

President Akufo-Addo should be inspired by the example of the CDN which has invested heavily in education, health, housing, communications, water, road transport and from other sectors that have provided badistance to the Ghanaian people. He must not submit the public treasury that he is committed to protect.


Johnson Asiedu Nketiah

Secretary General, NDC

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