Stop paying unearned wages – Minister to the Comptroller


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Mr. Solomon Boar, North-East Regional Minister, said he was concerned about the phenomenon of unearned salaries, calling on the Comptroller and the Accountant General to collaborate with other departments of the state to to prevent them.

He said the country was losing a lot of money each year by not paying people for any work done, saying it was a drain on public finances.

Mr. Boar made this appeal when Eugene Ofosuhene, Comptroller and Accountant General, called him to the North Regional Coordinating Council in Tamale to inform him of his visit to the region.

Mr. Ofosuhene was in the area as part of his service trip to interact with the Comptroller and Accountant General staff to learn more about their challenges and how they were performing. of their functions.

Mr. Boar said stopping unearned wages would ensure that these funds are channeled to other sectors of the economy to strengthen development.

Unearned wages occur when a staff member retires, dies or resigns but their names are not cleared from the payroll system and they continue to be paid.

Mr Boar also stressed the need to improve the connectivity of networks in rural areas to help the Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) to use the system efficiently and on time. Ghana Integrated Financial Management Information System (GIFMIS).

Mr Ofosuhene urged MMDAs, ministries, departments and agencies to help by regularly removing the names of staff who have died, resigned or retired, in order to put an end to the phenomenon of unearned salaries.

He ensured the intensification of surveillance to remedy the situation, stating that banks had been made aware of the reimbursement of the sums paid by the government to the accounts of the staff, who never claimed it.

He said that a lot of work was being done in the area of ​​payroll system review to make it credible.

Mr. Ofosuhene then joined a group of staff from the Comptroller and Accountant General's Department to discuss with them their issues and the need to work to improve the performance of public finance management.

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