Strengthen HPV testing to stop cervical cancer


Human papillomavirus (HPV) screening and vaccination must be undertaken on the war foot to prevent 15 million deaths from cervical cancer in women by 2050, according to a study Lancet.
Cervical cancer, in the majority of cases, is caused by HPV, a group of more than 150 viruses.
Efforts could even result in the elimination of cervical cancer as a danger to public health by 2070-79, according to the study published in The Lancet. Oncology.
The combination of a high uptake of HPV vaccine and cervical screening could eliminate cervical cancer as a risk to public health in 149 out of 181 countries. , from here 2100 and up to 13 million cases of uterine cervix cancer by 2050.
If the high coverage of HPV vaccination and cervical cancer screening can not be achieved worldwide, more than 44 million women could be diagnosed with cervical cancer. in the next 50 years, with two-thirds of these cases and about 15 million additional deaths low and medium development levels.
"More than two-thirds of the cases averted would be in low or medium human development countries like India, Nigeria and Malawi, where access to HPV vaccine or cervical cancer screening The uterus was limited, said lead author Professor Karen Canfell of the Cancer Council New South Wales in Australia. However, there are wide disparities between countries in cervical cancer screening and HPV vaccination coverage.
"Cervical cancer awareness is extremely low among ordinary people. make the disease a challenge, "said Anjila Aneja, director of Fortis La Femme
"While social barriers prevent women from seeking medical help in advance, they are forced out at a later stage, when the disease is at an advanced stage," she said. declared.
However, Canfell says that despite the enormity of the problem, their findings suggest that "global elimination is within reach with the tools already available, provided high coverage of HPV vaccine and cancer screening cervix can be achieved.
Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women. An estimated 570 000 new cases are diagnosed worldwide in 2018, of which about 85% are in less developed countries.
Screening and broad-spectrum HPV vaccines could potentially prevent up to 84-90% of cervical cancers, the study said.
"Diagnostic tests such as Pap smear are effective in identifying cancer tendencies.
"However, these tests are only available with a limited number of providers and mainly in cities. This makes testing sporadic and excludes women living in rural areas, "added Aneja. – IANS

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