Strong Libyan man forces say targeted by air strike


Forces loyal to Libyan strongman Khalifa Haftar have clashed with pro-government troops since launching a surprise offensive in Tripoli. By Mahmud TURKIA (AFP)

Forces loyal to Libyan strongman Khalifa Haftar have clashed with pro-government troops since launching a surprise offensive in Tripoli. By Mahmud TURKIA (AFP)

Forces loyal to Libyan strongman Khalifa Haftar said Saturday that they had been targeted by an air strike, while fresh fighting was taking place south of Tripoli.

"We strongly condemn the air raid … in the region of Al-Aziziya" by a plane that had taken off from the west of Misrata, said the press office of the so-called Libyan National Army (LNA) from Haftar.

The forces in Misrata are for the most part loyal to the internationally recognized National Agreement Government (GNA) of Libya, which is fighting Haftar for control of this war-torn North African country.

Pro-Government forces in Tripoli, the capital, confirmed that they had targeted Haftar's men with "intensive strikes".

The air strikes took place as fresh clashes erupted on Saturday south of Tripoli between pro-government forces and Haftar troops, despite calls by the international community to end the military offensive.

Haftar's forces are fighting for control of an area located about thirty kilometers south of the capital, near the Tripoli International Airport, which was destroyed in 2014.

On Friday, they were pushed back from an important checkpoint located west of the capital, less than 24 hours after grabbing it during a blistering offensive towards Tripoli. .

Late Friday, Haftar 's men also briefly seized the airport, before being ousted.

Haftar ordered Thursday his troops to advance on the capital.

"The time has come" to take Tripoli, he said in an audio message, pledging to spare civilians and "state institutions".

Dozens of militias have mushroomed in Libya since the overthrow of dictator Moamer Gaddafi, backed by NATO, in 2011, and are lined up in different ways on the reunification government or rival administration in Libya. the east, supported by Haftar.

The residents of Tripoli have expressed concern that large – scale fighting may break out and have begun to store food and gasoline.

On Saturday, large queues were formed at gas stations and supermarkets, said an AFP journalist.

"We have to stock everything we need for the family, just in case, especially those with young children," said Farida, a mother who pushes a full caddy.

"You never know how long it will last," she added.

Despite the outbreak, UN envoy Ghbadan Salame insisted on Saturday that talks scheduled for next week in Libya will continue.

"We are determined" to hold the talks "as planned" unless serious obstacles prevent it, Salame said at a press conference.

"We want to rebadure the Libyans that we will stay with the Libyan people to make this political process a success without resorting to escalation."

Since the overthrow of dictator Gaddafi, Libya has been divided into a group of armed groups.

And the internationally recognized union government, born from UN-backed negotiations, has struggled to badert its control.

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