Study: Israel suffers the least deaths related to diet in the world


(April 7, 2019 / JNS) According to a new study by The lancet Medical journal, badyzing food health around the world, Israel has the lowest rate of diet-related deaths of any country in the world.

Data collected as part of the global burden of disease study released Wednesday showed that only 89 Israelis per 100,000 die each year from poor diets.

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Israel has been joined in the group of the healthiest diet by France, Italy and other northern Mediterranean countries.

Uzbekistan had the highest rate of diet-related deaths at 892 per 100,000 population.

The data focused on nutritional imbalance and malnutrition and not deaths related to obesity.

The study focused on adding nuts, seafood, seeds, fiber, fruits and vegetables to food, claiming that diet-related illnesses often resulted from eating excessive red meat, sugar and salt.

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