Study: One Hour of Brisk Walking Could Prevent Disability in Older People With Arthritis Pain | Drug


According to a study published in the American Journal of Preventive MedicineOne hour per week of brisk walking avoids disability in elderly people with osteoarthritis.

Dunlop et al. Sought to identify evidence-based thresholds for maintaining disability status over a 4-year period in adults with lower extremity articular symptoms. Image credit: Coombesy.

Dunlop et al sought to identify evidence-based thresholds for maintaining disability-free status over a 4-year period in adults with symptoms common to the lower limbs. Image credit: Coombesy.

In the United States, an estimated 14 million older adults with osteoarthritis symptomatic knee, the most common form of osteoarthritis. About two in five people with osteoarthritis develop a disability limitation.

"Our goal was to see what kind of activity would help people stay free of any disability," said Professor Dorothy Dunlop of Northwestern University, lead author of the study.

Professor Dunlop and his colleagues badyzed four years of data from more than 1,500 adults from the National Osteoarthritis Initiative in Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Columbus and Pawtucket, Rhode Island.

Adults all suffered from pain, stiffness or stiffness in the lower extremity joints due to osteoarthritis, but they presented no disability at the beginning of the study. Their physical activity was controlled using accelerometers.

The team found that one hour of moderate to vigorous weekly physical activity allowed seniors to maintain their ability to perform daily tasks such as dressing or crossing a street before the fire changed.

The weekly hour of exercise reduces by 85% the risk of disability related to mobility (walking too slowly to cross a street safely) by 85%, as well as the risk related to activities of daily living (difficulty to perform tasks a bedroom, bathing and dressing) by almost 45%.

Four years after the start of the study, 24% of adults not having one hour of intense physical activity walked too slowly to cross the street safely, and 23% reported their difficulties in performing their morning routine.

"It's less than 10 minutes a day for people to maintain their independence. It's very feasible, "said Professor Dunlop.

"This minimum threshold can motivate inactive older adults to engage in the path of a physically active lifestyle with the wide range of health benefits induced by physical activity." "

Federal guidelines recommend that older people with arthritis participate in low-impact activities.

For substantial health benefits, including reduced risk of heart disease and many other chronic diseases, these guidelines recommend older adults to participate in at least 2.5 hours of moderate-intensity physical activity per week.

"But this level of activity can be daunting for inactive older people with lower limb pain," said Professor Dunlop.

"We hope this new discovery in public health will motivate an intermediate goal of physical activity. One hour per week is a stepping stone for people currently inactive. People can start working for that.


Dorothy D. Dunlop et al. One hour per week: acting to prevent disability in adults with lower extremity joint symptoms. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, published online March 20, 2019; doi: 10.1016 / j.amepre.2018.12.017

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