Study says not so fast – ScienceDaily


Patients with bad cancer and women undergoing bad cancer preventive surgeries may consider badociating these procedures with hysterectomy and / or removal of the ovary. However, a Cancer Center study done by the University of Colorado and published in Breast journal In contrast to this combined approach, patients undergoing coordinated mammary and gynecological interventions had significantly longer hospital stay and higher rates of complication, readmission and reoperation compared to patients operated on. 39 only one site.

"It's something I talk to patients every week, and patients feel like," I just want to have surgery and do everything. "But the complication rates are higher with this approach.In patients at high risk of bad cancer and ovarian cancer, 2nd recommends performing bilateral prophylactic mastectomy concurrently with bad reconstruction, but then trying to separate gynecological surgery separately, "says Sarah Tevis, MD, a cancer researcher at the cancer center and bad surgeon at UCHealth University in Colorado.

The study used the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) database to identify 77,030 women who had bad surgery from 2011 to 2015, of whom 124 also underwent surgery simultaneous gynecological. Interestingly, it was generally younger, healthier women who chose to undergo combined bad and gynecological surgery, "but their complication rate was even higher," says Tevis.

In addition to a higher complication rate, the choice of a combined surgery can result in treatment delays. First, the need to coordinate three surgeons – bad, reconstructor and gynecological – as well as the need to schedule a full day in the operating room often leads to postpone the date of surgery. Secondly, bad cancer patients are often treated with chemotherapy after surgery, and complications may delay the onset of this important chemotherapy, resulting in poorer outcomes for patients.

"Sometimes, a patient has a medical problem that makes it preferable, for example, to undergo only one anesthesia, but apart from these rare cases, we recommend separating bad surgery and reconstructive surgery from the gynecological surgery, "says Tevis.

Tevis and his colleagues hope that the current study indicates the basic level of complications badociated with these surgical strategies. Future work will look for features that can predict individual women who are doing better and less well with each approach.

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Material provided by University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. Note: Content can be changed for style and length.

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