Subscribe to these five YouTubers before making big tech purchases


YouTubers makes you feel like your most hyper-informed friend to help you when shopping for new technologies.


YouTubers makes you feel like your most hyper-informed friend to help you when shopping for new technologies.

I'm on the market for a new laptop, and it must be powerful enough for the modern game. I'm talking about something that allows ray tracing in real time – a graphical technique that makes scenes more realistic – and displays up to 120 frames per second or more.

Such a decision will probably cost me over $ 2,000, but it will replace my 2015 MacBook. For the first time in a decade, I'm walking outside Apple's walled garden, where consumer choice In terms of technology can be simplified by choosing the colors that allow you to type as a seal. Now, buying a PC, it's a bit like a child walking around in a Home Depot: I can barely communicate what I want because I do not even know what I'm looking at. (All right, it's like I'm an adult wandering in a home depot.)

I am old enough to have made CNET a destination of choice for all my technical news. The YouTube channel, which has 2 million subscribers, makes excellent recommendations. But lately, I'm counting on YouTubers to lead me in the right direction. The videos show me what words can not: the quality of the visuals, the way human hands interact with user interfaces and even the sound quality.

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YouTubers allow you to feel like your most hyper-informed friends. Like a friend, some YouTubers do not get too much objectivity. If a feature excites them, they beat it. And if it 's something that excites me too, I start to gain a little confidence in them, especially if they use it the way I do it.

These are five YouTubers whose I check the floor before getting anything.

Brownlee Brands

It is so popular, it can be mentioned in the same breath as Fortnite, By Will Smith from elsewhere. He is also powerful enough to book interviews with technology billionaires Elon Musk and Bill Gates.

The striking white, black and red color combinations highlight Brownlee's crisp, cleaner videos than those found in most mainstream stores. And this 25-year-old player does not feel overnight. He has worked since high school – about a decade – to perfect this craft.

His montages, zooms, and camera placements give viewers an idea of ​​what it means to use the products he uses, especially for his primary focus on smartphones and apps.

I'm counting on YouTubers to lead me in the right direction.


I'm counting on YouTubers to lead me in the right direction.

Austin Evans

YouTubers often have their signature greetings. PewDiePie began by shouting his name. "Hey, guys, that's Austin," can we read without noticing anything, but that's the way he says it in the same inflection.

"Hey, Austin, these are the guys," replies his comment section in unison. Again and again. On each video.

And you begin to see that the Austin Evans community, and the host himself, live in a perpetual world of clumsy comedy. Thanks to Evans, I decided not to receive the Razer Blade 2019 laptop.


If you're tired of YouTube being hyperactive and dramatic, TechMeOut is almost ASMR.

She has a quiet and collected style since her debut in 2012, addressing technology from a global perspective. She informs us regularly about the apps she uses, what she wears as camera equipment, as well as about personal vlogs and lifestyle tips.

But it's her deliveries, her rhythm and the high quality production that make me come back when I want to hear someone who's not a hyperactive hype man.


Everything is in the name of the technical critic and the chain Judner Aura of Brooklyn. In addition to the standard technical journals that other channels do, he discusses affordable topics.

How many interesting items can you actually buy with $ 300?

Digital foundry

At about the same time that Google announced Stadia, a gaming platform fully broadcast via your browser, the Digital Foundry team already had an badysis.

Hosted by Eurogamer, the Digital Foundry benchmarking firm is as close as possible to the Final Word on everything related to video game technologies. They are so trustworthy that it is up to giants such as Google and Microsoft to showcase their best face for the Foundry. Their badyzes of hardware and video game software are cited in Internet arguments. I rarely buy a new video game before watching the Digital Foundry video.

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