Sudan in perspective: the al-Bashir factor




Of course, the whirlwind of political instability in parts of North Africa is the result of the unbridled and uncompromising ambition of the bearer of democracy to introduce democracy into the Maghreb. Perhaps the fascist and avant-garde Italian philosopher, Julius Evola, was right when he claimed that democracy was an obstacle to human advancement. "Everyone enjoys the freedom that he deserves, which is measured by the stature and dignity of his person or his function, and not the abstract and elementary fact of being simply a" human being "or a "citizen" "(Julius Evola). For him, democracy and the rights of citizens are not only abstract, but pernicious for the progress of society. King Fahd of Saudi Arabia also said that Islam and democracy are mutually exclusive. Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 states that all human beings are created, born free and equal in dignity and rights. This article contravenes Islamic law, which regards women as inferior to men. Therefore, badessing Omar Hbadan Ahmad al-Bashir against Western democratic norms is far from being fair.

Omar al-Bashir was born on 1 January 1944 in Hosh Bannaga, a village in the northern part of the Sudanese capital Khartoum. He became a parachute commander in the armed forces. In 1989, he led an Islamic junta that wreaked havoc on Prime Minister Sadiq al-Mahdi in bloodless military adventurism. In 1993, the US government blacklisted Al-Bashir's regime for creating a terrorist hub. The US government has imposed sanctions on Sudan. In 2009, the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant against al-Bashir for extrajudicial killings, rape and ethnic cleansing in Darfur.

Although he has carved out a place in world renown, al-Bashir has put up a formidable defense and has called his critics enemies of Islam. A pogrom in Darfur badociated with Juba unrest has resulted in the independence of oil-rich southern Sudan. South Sudan has become the newest country in Africa. The birth of the Republic of South Sudan has burdened the economy al-Bashir under a severe financial burden. In 2001, the IMF praised Al-Bashir's economic indicators at the head of the National Congress Party (NCP) government despite economic sanctions imposed by the United States. The independence of Southern Sudan in 2011 resulted in a 46% loss of national income, which shocked the economy of Al-Bashir. The IMF intervened in 2013, then again in 2017, and urged the PCN government to introduce austerity measures to revive the Sudanese economy.

Economic hardships flooded Sudanese citizens and frustrated Sudanese took to the streets and expressed their dissatisfaction with the administration of the NCP. The storms continued to simmer and, in April 2019, a well-constructed power building was overshadowed and collapsed, like the Spanish Armada of 1588, invaded by protesters in front of the residence of Bash in Khartoum. Politically ambivalent and helpless, like the vicious Alice of Wonderland, al-Bashir has ceded power to renegade Sudanese soldiers. "The blood of the heroes is closer to the Lord than the ink of the scholars and the prayers of the stakes" (Julius Evola). Al-Bashir could be somewhat spared for the political debacle in Sudan. Three salient factors hit Mr. al-Bashir and his NCP government together.

First, the birth of the Republic of South Sudan contributed significantly to the fall of Al-Bashir. Historically, Sudan, better known as Nilotic Sudan, Nubia or Kush, referred to people who lived in the Nile Basin. Nubians and Kushites spoke of dark-skinned people in much of Sudan and Ethiopia. The name Ethiopia is a Greek word meaning Kush, meaning people with charred or burned faces. to know dark complexion. After the death of the "holy prophet" of Islam in the year 632 or so, the cosmopolitan nature of Islam and its emphasis on universal brotherhood and hospitality, badociated with the Jihadist spirit, culminated in the Arabization and Islamization of the Maghreb between 647 and 709 AD. The Arabization of the northern part of Sudan has been the boomerang effect of the Islamic Jihadist conquest of North Africa. The Sudanese, whether to the north or the south, are Kushites (Africans and non-Arabs).

Nevertheless, there are many subcategories. Just as the Anglicization of Ghana and Nigeria has not changed the identity of these nationals as Africans, the Arabization of northern Sudan does not only make the inhabitants from Khartoum are Arabs. Thus, the creation of South Sudan was useless. The protracted political conflict between the Dinkas and Nuer tribes in southern Sudan makes Mr. al-Bashir a political fugitive left to his fate.

The second reason the al-Bashir government became unpopular was the desire for a large-scale implementation of Western democracy. Democracy does not necessarily mean a short presidential term limit. After the death of Gaddafi, there is no peace in Libya. Khalifa Haftar is on the verge of conquering Libya. Haftar, suspected of being supported by foreign powers from the Arab world, had decided to embark on a territorial and political expansion in order to liberate Tripoli, as well as Tripolitania (Western Libya) from the national government agreement , directed by Fayes al-Serraj. . The situation in Sudan is similar to the mbad demonstration in Algeria that saw President Abdelaziz Bouteflika give up his reign of two decades with fists.

The comment of this author is as follows: Sudan and Algeria must try to avoid the current situation in Libya, as well as that of Egypt. Like Libya, Egyptian democratic hope never seemed to be realized after the removal of President Hosni Mubarak in February 2011. Abdel Fatah al-Sissi opposes today. freedom of the press and plans to become president for life in Egypt. Is military intervention the way to go in Africa? Military takeover in rare cases could change the unwanted political trajectory, as was the case in Chile and Taiwan.

Unlike homogenous Chile and Taiwan, Africa is fragmented on tribal and ethnic bases, making the military coup a tough panacea to political instability. In 1986, Yoweri Museveni was a hero after his victory in Bush's war. Today, Museveni has placed his political opponents under house arrest during the counting of ballots on polling day! Sudan must learn from Egypt and Libya to avoid violence. Because each military intervention seems promising but often ends with demagogy and anti-intellectuality. Military coups have a good start, but terrible ends. According to the angle of observation, al-Bashir could be described as a nationalist or a dictator! We must begin to evaluate African leaders within the limits of their national laws. Not someone who tells them to practice their level of democracy. How long will Africans continue to repudiate their own political norms on unholy altars and Euro-centric convenience? Shalom!

By Nana Yaw Osei, Minnesota, United States. [email protected]

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