SUDAN. Rebel protesters pledge to continue sit-in in Khartoum | New


Tens of thousands of protesters continued protesting in Khartoum on Friday, a day after the Transitional Military Council (TMC) declared that the sit-in in front of army headquarters posed a threat to security and security. the security of the Sudanese people. Preventative measures would be taken against "undisciplined elements".

The Sudanese Armed Forces on Friday released a video on its official Facebook page, apparently showing young men vandalizing an army vehicle, alleging that he had been shot dead during the sit-in.

Earlier, another video showed young men throwing stones at moving cars near the sit-in. The legend said, "The chaos in the heart of the capital, we will put an end to chaos, God willing."

But the protesters said the army was using threats as a pretext to split the sit-in, as protesters want the TMC generals to cede power to a civilian-run administration.

"I think we should be here every day," said Eismat Ali, 47, a worker in Omdurman. "I'm trying to come here every Thursday night, I can not afford to be here every day because of my job, that should be our real job, so we do not let the TMC fly our revolution. "

The calls for the protection of the revolution have been the rallying cry of protesters in recent weeks, after months of demonstrations that resulted in the overthrow of longtime leader, Omar al-Bashir, in April with a coup. Military State.

The protesters said that they would remain on the street until those who supported al-Bashir also gave up power. The Freedom and Change alliance, the group that runs the protest movement, has negotiated with the TMC over a political transition, but negotiations are at a standstill.

The UN wants negotiations

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Friday called on both sides to return to the negotiating table and reach an early agreement on handing over power to a civilian-led government.

Guterres said in a statement that the parties should "conclude negotiations on the transfer of power to a civilian-led transitional authority as soon as possible".

Although we have reached agreement on some important aspects of the transition – including a three-year timetable and the creation of a 300-member parliament – the composition of the supreme body – the Sovereign Council remains the main point of contention . The TMC wants it to be run by the military, while the protesters want a civilian to run it.

"I think the TMC is acting like this because it fears responsibility.If a civilian government came to power, it could be held to account," said Hafiz Ismail, director of the NGO Khartoum. Justice Africa, Sudan.

Amjad Farid, a The spokesman for the protest movement said: "What the TMC said Thursday night is an attempt to quell the sit-in, but we will never give up our peaceful protest."

The announcement of the TMC comes after a two-day general strike Tuesday and Wednesday that shut down shops, markets, public transport and banks, causing delays at the airport as part of the opposition strategy aimed at keeping the pressure on the army.

On Wednesday, a pregnant woman was killed by "stray bullets" when soldiers tried to disperse the sit-in, the Sudan Medical Committee said in a statement.

"I think TMC and the opposition are playing politics and now have something at their disposal," said Nada Hafiz, an art curator who has been protesting since April 6.

"They both want to put pressure on the sit-in just to empower themselves at the negotiating table."

Repression of the media

Security officials on Thursday told Al Jazeera of the military council's decision to close the network office in Khartoum.

The decision also included the withdrawal of work permits of correspondents and staff of the Qatar-based network with immediate effect.

In a statement, Al Jazeera denounced the "brutal" closure of his office in Khartoum and the ban on his reporters reporting in the country, calling it a "complete violation of freedom of the press."

"The network sees it as an attack on the freedom of the media, professional journalism and the fundamental principles of the right of people to know and understand the reality of what is happening in Sudan," the statement said.

Al Jazeera called for the immediate resumption of operations at his Khartoum office and said he would continue his coverage of Sudan "despite this political interference by the Sudanese authorities".

"Seeing a crackdown on the media now is very disturbing," Jehanne Henry, badociate director of Africa's Human Rights Watch team told Al Jazeera.

"More than that, we are also very concerned by reports of continued violence against protesters, and urge the authorities to make sure that the armed forces do not use excessive force against protesters." and that they preserve their right to continue. " protest freely. "

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