Sudanese police fire tear gas at demonstrators' rally: witnesses


Anti-government protests like this one on March 18, 2019 shook Sudan for more than three months. By - (AFP)

Anti-government protests like this one on March 18, 2019 shook Sudan for more than three months. By – (AFP)

Sudanese security forces fired tear gas at scores of protesters on Sunday as they challenged the state of emergency across the country and demonstrated in Khartoum and its twin city of Khartoum. Omdurman, said witnesses.

Deadly demonstrations and clashes have rocked Sudan for more than three months, fueled by accusations that the government's mismanagement of the economy has led to soaring food prices and fuel shortages. currency.

In chanting the slogan of the protest movement "Freedom, Peace, Justice", protesters gathered in downtown Omdurman and in another part of the city, witnesses said, adding that they were quickly confronted with riot police with tear gas.

The protesters also demonstrated in Burri district, east of Khartoum, a place of regular anti-government rallies, as well as a vegetable market in the south of the capital, according to the audience.

Riot police are deployed to Burri in force to contain the protest, a witness said on condition of anonymity, adding that protesters waving Sudanese flags were marching on several roads in the district.

Protests erupted for the first time in Sudan on 19 December in Atbara, in the center of the country, following the government's decision to triple the price of bread.

They quickly degenerated into nationwide protests calling for the end of the power of President Omar al-Bashir, who came to power during a coup in 1989.

Bashir remained provocative and, after an initial crackdown did not end the protests, imposed a one – year emergency that the parliament reduced to six months. .

According to officials, 31 people died as a result of violence related to the protests, but Human Rights Watch has 51, including children and doctors.

Several protesters were jailed by special tribunals created to investigate violations of the state of emergency.

Since the entry into force of the new measures, the scale and intensity of the demonstrations have decreased.

Organizers of the protest called for major national rallies on April 6, including a march to the army headquarters in Khartoum.

The protest movement, viewed by badysts as the biggest challenge to Bashir's three-decade rule, was initially led by the Sudanese Professionals' Association (ASP).

Since then, several political parties have joined ASP to form a coordinating group called the Alliance for Freedom and Change to lobby for the protests.

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