SunLive – Four measles cases linked to Mount Maunganui


The Toi Te Ora Public Health Service has identified four measles cases in the last three weeks related to the Mount Maunganui area in Plenty Bay.

Vaccination is the best protection against measles, says Dr. Jim MIller, Medical Officer of Health.

The vaccine that protects against measles is the MMR vaccine (measles, mumps and rubella).

"It's important for parents to ensure that their children receive free routine MMR at 15 months and four years," says Dr. Jim Miller, Medical Officer of Health for Public Health Toi Te Ora.

If you have never received a dose of MMR vaccine, now is the time to get one. The MMR vaccine is very effective.

After a dose of MMR vaccine, about 95% of people are protected against measles and 99% of people who received both doses are protected against measles.

People born before 1 January 1969 are probably immune because measles was fairly common and therefore this older group does not need measles immunization.

"If you think that you or a family member is infected with measles, stay home and call your doctor to warn them of your symptoms and allow them to arrange for a safe and secure badessment. without infecting other people, or call Healthline at 0800 611 116 for advice. "

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