

When I moved to Denver, Colorado, almost 11 years ago, I knew we were in the Mile High City. What took me by surprise, however, was not the altitude but rather the intensity of the sun. I did not know that being one kilometer from the sun would make such a difference, and of course that was not the case. What makes the huge difference at high altitude is that there is less atmosphere to protect us from ultraviolet (UV) rays.

Ultraviolet radiation includes solar light with wavelengths between 200 and 400 nm, which is below our ability to see. While many wavelengths bounce off the surface of the body, some parts of the UV light spectrum enter the skin and "resonate," amplifying the damage to the DNA by UV light. Two areas of UV light are particularly important: UVB light causes sunburn, while UVA light is responsible for aging, photosensitivity, and photoallergy.

The skin damage is serious. For people with very clear skin and intense sun, UVB rays can cause sunburns in just a few minutes. At the same time, UVA sun exposure also prepares the skin for various skin cancers, such as squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma.

Before the era of vitamin supplementation, many children were deficient in vitamin D and developed rickets, sometimes becoming arched legs. As sun exposure produces vitamin D in the body, it has become "healthy" to expose a lot to the sun. But it was later shown that besides contributing to vitamin D, exposure to the sun also increased the incidence of skin cancer.

The sunscreen starts by staying out of the sun and wearing appropriate clothing so as not to burn. Hats are in order during the solar season and should be chosen with a wide enough edge to protect the face and ears.

Sunscreens protect us from UV rays and can reduce the incidence of skin cancer. When choosing a sunscreen or sunscreen, two factors must be taken into account: its ability to block UV rays and the wavelengths at which it is effective.

The ability of sunscreens to block UV rays is badessed based on the Sun Protection Factor (SPF), which describes the extra time you can stay in the sun before burning. An SPF of 30 means that if you usually burn in just two minutes (yes, there are people like that!), You can stay in the sun for an hour before developing the same degree of sunburn. People are advised to use the highest SPF available, although the question of how much a SPF is really beneficial is also asked. Most health professionals recommend an SPF of at least 30.

Sun protection products are also labeled for UVB and UVA protection. This can be somewhat misleading since the SPF measures only the UVB protection. Since UVB rays cause sunburn, what patients can see (and feel!), So most people can tell if they have been protected or not. UVA radiation is different. The damage caused by UVA exposure is longer term and include skin aging and cancers. It is of utmost importance to protect your skin from UVA rays and its hidden hidden damage.

Many ingredients are present in sunscreens or sunscreens. Chemical sunscreens use a variety of chemicals for UVB radiation and avobenzone as a UVA blocker. Chemical sunscreens can lose their effectiveness with sun exposure, so they must be applied again at recommended intervals during the day. Physical sunscreens use zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, which block UVA and UVB rays. Physical sunscreens have the advantage that many patients with sensitive skin can tolerate them, but they can also, according to the formulation, give patients a very white and zombie-like appearance for a short time after the 39; application. Many cosmetic products include chemical or physical barriers to UV radiation.

Skin damage is one of the hallmarks of aging. However, good sun habits and the use of protective clothing and sunscreens can reduce skin damage. Remember that we do not experience skin damage due to UVA. It is therefore important to treat any exposure to the sun as a potential aging of the skin. Take good care of yourself.

Article written by Peter J. Rice, PharmD, PhD, BCPS, FAPhA
School of Pharmacy at the University of Colorado

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