Super-emerging fungi: early outbreaks?


The ability of bacteria to develop antibiotic resistance is well documented, and fungi are also changing alarmingly to withstand modern medicine. One of these airborne mushrooms is currently appearing in hospitals around the world and killing half of people who contract this virus within 90 days, raising concern about a new global epidemic.

Candida auris can potentially infect anyone, however people with a compromised immune system such as the elderly, infants, smokers and diabetics are the most likely to succumb. C.auris was discovered about ten years ago, for the first time in 2013, and since then it has appeared on every continent, with the exception of Antarctica. As of 2/2019, 617 cases had been reported in the United States alone. Most cases were detected in New York (309 cases), New Jersey (104 cases) and Chicago (144 cases).

Tom Chiller, head of the fungal branch of the CDC, said: "It's a creature of the black lagoon. He has bubbled and is now everywhere. " Assistant Epidemiologist Dr. Lynn Sosa Connecticut believes he is "Quite unbeatable and hard to identify."

Once contracted, Candida auris is very difficult to eliminate. The CDC reports that more than 90% of infections are resistant to at least one major antifungal drug; 30% are resistant to 2+, and some medical institutions have had to replace the floor and ceiling tiles to remove any mold in the rooms. Infections can be treated with antifungal medications, but the CDC is increasingly concerned about resistance to the three main clbades of antifungal medications.

Symptoms can be difficult to detect because patients are often already sick. Only laboratory tests can identify this fungal infection, which can cause several types of infections, including blood infections, wounds and ears. Those who have recently undergone surgery, take antibiotics, live in retirement homes, have food probes, respirators or central venous catheters, appear to be at highest risk. According to the CDC, 30 to 60% of those infected with C. auris have died, but many have had other serious illnesses that increase the risk of death.

Some consider that there is an explosive medical alert with serious consequences for humanity and suggest that the global use of "azole clbad" fungicides has given rise to this fungal superbug that now colonizes hospitals and nursing homes around the world. Azole-resistant fungal strains can not be destroyed by known medical chemicals used in hospitals, and even worse ventilation systems emit fungal spores into the air to contaminate communities. Infections are rife in New York, New Jersey and Chicago. Infections have now been reported in Florida, California, Texas, Virginia, Connecticut and Mbadachusetts. Although the CDC will not name the hospitals or nursing homes infected, it is suggested that millions of people have probably already been exposed. This can go far beyond Ebola and, until a few days ago, almost no one had ever heard of this fungal strain with a reported mortality rate between 41 and 88 % in the man.

Can you imagine a future of dystopian science fiction in which hospital ventilation systems pump a deadly super bacteria into the atmosphere where winds can carry and infect communities and farms? Can you imagine that the CDC is aware, but the secret guard, refusing to inform the public of infected sites, forbidding his public to use it to protect himself? Say that this has been kept secret so as not to alarm the public or make facilities a perceived hub of infection. Unfortunately, imagine nothing, this is what has been happening for four years and that extends silently with virtually zero reporting in the media and very little information from the CDC. For some, this would almost look like a coordinated concealment to keep patients in the dark while the infection spreads through a deadly pathogen, rather than keeping the public informed and safe, which is their real job.

Originally discovered in Japan in a woman's ear, this mushroom has spread from hospitals to rest homes, it can be transmitted from patient to patient and by the nursing staff; it grows on virtually anything: IV lines, fans, tiles, hospital gowns, walls, bed rails, phones, sinks and clothes. Aggressive sterilization with hydrogen peroxide aerosol did nothing to try to kill this fungus. Those who have a strong immune system can apparently fight the effects of this fungus, even if they have no symptoms, these people can become carriers.

Several cases of transmission of health-related pathogens are being monitored in South Africa, the United Arab Emirates, the United States and Venezuela, India, Kenya, Kuwait, and Pakistan. Outside hospitals, several cases are followed in Australia, Canada, China, Colombia, France, Germany, India, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Kuwait, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa and Korea. from South. , Spain, United Kingdom, United States and Venezuela.

The CDCs themselves now warn hospitals are spreading this saying "In some of these countries, extensive transmission of C. auris has been documented in more than one hospital." Yet, still will not name the hospitals that will lead to further infection. Alarmingly, the CDC also said: "… The issues published so far from Illinois, New Jersey and New York are just the beginning. In addition to the clinical cases reported above, 1056 additional patients were colonized with C. auris by targeted screening in seven states with clinical cases … " It is therefore not surprising that these 7 states have not yet been appointed. Indeed, many people colonized in 7 states unfortunately mean that we are beyond the Ebola scenario of a few years ago.

Would you be surprised to learn that this is perhaps attributed to the ground, which is a complex ecosystem harboring a panoply of microbiology, competition for survival by controlling the bad guys. However, it is suggested that modern chemicals and pesticides sprayed regularly on crops kill some plants while leaving others intact, and some develop resistance, which has contributed to the Candida auris surge, which can now be replicated. and spread unexpectedly. been possible to. The global use of "azole clbad" fungicides basically kills the good mushrooms, which is inevitable, allowing this dangerous fungal strain to succeed, because of the human intervention of agricultural runoff that ends up in soils, and Waters leading to the oceans, which can spread everywhere was only a matter of time before reaching the point where it is now.

These sturdy air-suspended mushrooms can be easily disseminated by being transported by hand, transported on meat or products, transported from one country to another by travelers and imported / exported, through ventilation systems, hospital equipment and clothing, almost everything. Dr. Tom Chiller of the CDC warns "Behaving unexpectedly and worryingly, causing serious illness in countries around the world, including the United States." and exposed some facts / warnings in 2017:

  • "It can spread between patients in health facilities and cause epidemics. In this way, it seems to behave much like some multidrug-resistant bacteria. "
  • "C auris can colonize a patient's skin for months or more."
  • "This rustic yeast can live on surfaces for a month or more, and preliminary tests suggest that the quaternary ammonium compounds commonly used for medical disinfection may not be sufficiently effective against C auris."
  • "C auris is quickly becoming more common. In some international health facilities, it has gone from an unknown pathogen to a cause of 40% of invasive Candida infections in a few years. We must act now to prevent this from happening in the United States. "
  • "C auris is often multiresistant. Some strains have withstood the three main antifungal clbades, including echinocandins, the first-line treatment for Candida infections. "

Could ultraviolet lighting be the solution that seems to be lacking in Western medical systems? UV light can be found free in the sun, and it kills almost all fungi and viral strains. Places such as retirement homes and hospitals are characterized by artificial, dark and dark corridors, and patches likely to favor colonization by the azole-resistant fungal strain. These designed blinds help to make the ideal breeding areas even more dangerous. Although sunlight without a patent can not be the subject of royalties, this may answer this question.

The question remains as to why we did not hear about this deadly pathogen earlier, but alas, when dollars are at stake, journalism quickly falls to the benefit of big business. It would not be surprising that the mention of Candida auris be disparaged as an anti-science and nothing more than a scary or qualified story of fodder for conspiracy. It would not be the first time that truths would be concealed, false information revealed, and an elaborate plan of smoke and mirrors would have occurred despite the real evidence. People should be wondering why the state of emergency has recently been declared in New York for a handful of measles cases. Yet this deadly fungal pathogen threatening to colonize the country is almost no longer the subject of a mention.

"Hospitals across the country will continue to tow the line, serving less than ideal foods and administering medication to patients, rejoicing at the recurrence of business arising from the ongoing illness and suffering that characterizes the chemical approach of Western civilization in this matter.. Better living through chemistry has now become a tragedy. The future we face is the suicide induced by the chemistry of the human race. This is the true story of how agricultural fungicides turned every visit to the hospital into a suicide mission. If the food does not kill you first, the visit to the doctor will surely do it. ~ Mike Adams the Ranger.

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