Superb estimate of the BTC price of the Oracle Bitcoin! Recent news


Peter Brandt, a bitcoin and cryptocurrency legend, shared his new Bitcoin, Ethereum forecast and TRON's latest weekly report, responsible for Ripple-powered XRPL labs, announcing new features in Wietse Wind Ripple apps and more . I Kriptokoin.coStay up-to-date with the latest news about crypto money and add value to your investment.

News for Bitcoin (BTC)

Bitcoin can continue to grow

Bitcoin (BTC) experienced a price increase several days ago. The current idea in the market has completely changed and, according to experts, Bitcoin could start to grow again. Bitcoin surpbaded the $ 5,000 for the first time in more than 4 months, and the trend could continue, according to badysts. Peter Brandt, a well-known cryptocurrency and stock badyst, published a tweet that, as we reported earlier, showed that Bitcoin could enter a new parabolic phase in the near future.


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Famous CNBC Analyst Announces Next Bitcoin Target

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Analyst Explains Why BTC Targets $ 50,000

Predicting the collapse of Bitcoin, Peter Brandt, known as Bitcoin Oracle, is extending his new vision to the fact that BTC is preparing for a parabolic race. In a recent interview with Yahoo Finance, Brandt now explains why BTC is targeting $ 50,000:

I believe that those between December 2017 and December 2017 and those of the 2013-2015 market are in fact a (similar) badogue, where we have witnessed a sequential 10 movement up and down the bear market. In much the same way, we created the same pattern. After the low level of Bitcoin in 2015, the market has turned into parabolic development. And so, I think the badogies are remarkably good, and I think the crypts will return to a parabolic bull market. The only question I ask myself at the moment is whether we will test the lowest levels of the end of 2018? I mean, there is a chance, and it can happen and it may not happen

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Bitcoin and Altcoin Announce New Grant Evaluation!

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"The bull will take place in the next two to three years."

Brandt said he expected the bull race to take place in the next two to three years and added:

As we know, Bitcoin is in motion when it starts to move. This is not the case for all cryptographic pieces. And if we start to gain momentum, I think we're going to go back and see a similar parabolic development that we had before the end of the summer. And with these advances, I think it's easy for Bitcoin to tackle the high level of $ 20,000 announced at the end of 2017. I guess the goal is probably about $ 50,000.

Ethereum News (ETH)

It was published in the last week of Ethereum blogs, with the support of ConsenSys. This week's edition includes the latest versions on Ethereum 2.0 and is looking for updates on Ethereum-based platforms, including OmiseGo, Zilliqa and MyCrypto.

When we say XRP $ for #paymentswe are talking about making payments with XRP $ ace #easy and #fast as @xrptipbot App, some of our payments App

– Wietse Wind (@WietseWind) April 3, 2019

Ripple News (XRP)

Wietse Wind, head of XRPL Labs, who was supported by Ripple, tweeted XRP Tip Bot and the company's new XRP-based payment application. With these new features, to tip a person now, users will have a list of contacts at their fingertips and will not have to enter cumbersome encrypted addresses or scan QR codes.

News for Litecoin (LTC)

The litecoin is now four months from the next half-life. In half of the cases, the allocation of blocks to the miners will be halved and the production of a finished cryptocurrency finished at 84 million LTC will be slowed down. You can check the next countdown of half here.

Stellar Lumens this weekend!
The maintenance will begin Sunday at 14h. The negotiation will take place on Tuesday and we are trading at 0.1%! Https://

– Independent Reserve (@indepreserve) April 4, 2019

News about Stellar Lumens (XLM)

Independent Reserve, an Australian cryptocurrency agency, adds Stellar Lumens (XLM) to its platform this weekend. The XLM trading will start on Tuesday. The stock market is currently targeting corporate investors after the first stock market offering insurance coverage to domestic customers.

TRON (TRX) news

TRON's latest weekly report on Decentralized Platform Practices (DApps) is published. According to the report, there are 246 DApp in the TRON ecosystem and it works.

Why did we do that? Because of the world

– Charles Hoskinson (@IOHK_Charles) April 6, 2019

News from Cardano (ADA)

IOHK, responsible for Cardano, creates a symphonic channel designed to bring Blockchain to life. The project stems from a question posed by Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson, who asks what a Blockchain looks like. gelişu to be informed about last-minute developments twitterat to follow Facebook like our page and telegram Join our channel!

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