Surprise! Scientists find daily consumption of fried chicken increases risk of death


In a study [PDF] this confirms what should be obvious to anyone who does not completely deny, the researchers have finally quantified the dangers of overconsumption of fried foods: a 13% increase in the risk of death.

Daily meals of fried chicken or fish could kill you

The study of postmenopausal American women found that women who ate fried chicken once a day had a risk of all-cause death, except cancer, 13% higher than women who did not eat fried chicken once a day. The increased risk of death was 7% for women who ate fried fish or shellfish once a day.

Although this should not surprise anyone, according to the lead author of the study, Wei Bao, badistant professor of epidemiology at the University of Iowa, this study appears to be the very first time that someone searches the data and calculates a figure. go with the known connection between the consumption of fried foods and an early death.

"We know that the consumption of fried foods is very common in the United States and around the world. Unfortunately, we know very little about [the] long-term effect of fried food consumption on health, "said Bao.

One study looked at nearly 107,000 women's eating habits

The study recruited nearly 107,000 women aged 50 to 79 in 40 clinics across the United States. They examined participants' eating habits from 1993 to 1998 and followed them for about 18 years on average.

The study took into account other mortality factors, including education, income and content of food, among other things, so that its findings are statistically significant.

The study found that daily consumption of fried foods resulted in an 8% increase in the risk of death from all causes. In itself, this may not be of much importance, according to the authors of the study, but when looking at specific types of fried foods, more relevant trends were observed.

While fried chicken, the staple diet food of South America rich in fried foods, showed the highest increase in risk, the study also revealed that, if the fish itself is useful for reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, its benefits seem to be destroyed by frying. .

"If you fry fish, it can turn a good thing into something harmful," said Bao.

Risk related to fried foods not universally applicable

Bao and his team have not been able to test for many studies. This study can not be generalized to all fried foods around the world. The study had no way of determining the type of oil in which the food was fried, which could significantly affect the results.

The implications for public health policies are important, and this study urgently adds to finding ways for the poorest and most vulnerable Americans to have a more nutritious diet that is not not so much about fried foods, like those served by fast food chains. for many Americans, it is the most profitable way for them to eat.

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