Survey identifies key driver of longevity in clinical research coordinator positions


Strong and collaborative relationships with principal investigators are a key factor in longevity in clinical research coordinator positions – essential, but increasingly transitional, work in performing clinical trials that advance treatment, found researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

Danielle Buchanan, BS, Coordinator of Translational Clinical Research III in the Department of Neurology, and Daniel Claassen, MD, MS, Head of the Division of Cognitive Impairment and Associate Professor of Neurology, found that the main factor of retention is a relationship of close work between clinical research coordinators (CRC) and the principal investigator of the study which emphasizes respect and collaboration. Salary was the next retention factor among 85 former or current CRCs who responded to a REDCap survey sent to 113 people from over 30 academic medical centers across the United States.

The survey results show that compensation and a clear career progression path were important predictors of coordinator retention. Additionally, principal investigators are encouraged to believe that building collegial relationships through hands-on participation in clinical research trials was the strongest predictor of retention.

They published the results in “Empowering the Clinical Research Coordinator in Academic Medical Centers” in the Mayo Clinical Proceedings: Innovation, Quality & Outcomes.

Clinical research coordinators are the backbone of research teams. For patients, they are the constant face of a sometimes difficult journey. We wanted to know what it took to make this coordinator role a career and not a stepping stone to another position. What do coordinators need to stay and thrive in a university medical center? Can we move from an “entry and exit role” to a stable and honored position that has a trajectory in a university system? “

Danielle Buchanan, Principal Author

“Over the past 10 years, I have seen that hiring clinical research coordinators can become a challenge for principal investigators. I feel the role is transitional, in part because academic institutions have not invested in this role as long-term respected positions. There is no clear path for advancement and the salary structure is not an incentive, ”said Claassen.

The duo set out to examine what makes coordinators stay in the role, because while the position previously had longevity, it has become a stopover role for people early in their careers. The transience comes at costs for the research team and the institution, as filling the position requires recruitment and training. For patients, staff turnover adds uncertainty and ignorance to their clinical trial experience, said Buchanan, who has served as coordinator for eight years.

“Ultimately, we are there for the patient, especially those with devastating chronic illnesses. When there is rotation, it is detrimental to the patient. I did the investigation because we wanted to look for that missing piece that explains why people are leaving. , or what makes them stay, ”said Buchanan, lead author.

“I want to enhance the prestige of the position so that PIs, administrators and sponsors understand that coordinators are more than workers. We are ambassadors of hope to patients and families, and I would like to change the mindset that this is not the case. a long-term career path, ”said Buchanan.


Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Journal reference:

Buchanan, DA, et al. (2020) Empowering the Coordinator of Clinical Research in University Medical Centers. Proceedings of the Mayo Clinic.

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