Sweaty bees are found feeding on tears in the eye of a woman


Tiny insects, called sweat bees, are 3 to 4 millimeters (0.12 to 0.16 inches) in length. Doctors at the Taiwanese Fooyin University Hospital discovered that the bees had been informed at a press conference, according to CNN's affiliate, CTS.

"I saw something that looked like insect paws, so I took them out slowly under the microscope and one at a time without damaging the objects inside," Hung Chid said. ting, head of the department of ophthalmology.

Sweat bees, also known as halictidae, "nest near graves and in fallen trees, so it's easy to find them during a mountain hike," Hung explained.

According to the CTS, the woman, identified by her last name, He, said that she thought the insects had infused her an eye on a family member's grave when she l & rsquo; Had visited with his family. She washed her eyes with water but continued to feel intense pain.

"It was very painful, tears did not stop flowing from my eye," she says. "I was afraid to die."

After three hours of agony, he went to the hospital, where the doctors determined that she was suffering from cellulitis, a bacterial infection of the skin, and from the skin. 39, serious erosion of the cornea caused by sweaty bees.

"Fortunately, she arrived at the hospital early, otherwise I might need to watch her to save her life," Hung said.

His sight had been reduced to less than 0.1, the equivalent of 20 to 200 on Snellen's eye chart measuring visual acuity, Hung told reporters. "Fortunately, she had no high fever and this had not affected her central nervous system."

Local media reported that he was supposed to recover completely.

The sweat bee feeds on nectar and pollen, but is also attracted to human sweat, which provides "valuable moisture and salts," according to the Missouri Department of Conservation.
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