Takoradi kidnapped girls: "We know where the girls are" – Head of the CID


General News on Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Source: Myjoyonline.com


Maame Tiwaa Tiwaa Addo Danquah, head of the CID

Ghana's police have revealed that they are preparing to find three abducted girls, a saga that has been holding the nation's attention for months.

"We know where the girls are," Maame Yaa Tiwaa Addo-Danquah, Director General of the Criminal Investigation Department (DCOP), told reporters on Tuesday.

She called on the families of the victims to "continue to continue". Families are desperate for news of their daughters and their fate since the first kidnapping of Priscilla Bentum in August 2018.

Two more girls were caught in December before the story kept the country's attention. Joy News has repeatedly launched a #bringbackourTaadigirls campaign in newsletters.

A suspect in the case, a Nigerian named Samuel Udoetuk Wills, was badaulted in front of and in court during his last appearance on 4 March 2019.

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