Takoradi Kidnapping: Stop the "puzzle games" and bring the girls – Akamba tells the police [Video] | General news


Joshua Hamidu Akamba, deputy national organizer of the National Democratic Congress (NEC), said at a press conference held by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) that it had been discovered that the whereabouts were the abducted girls was "laughable".

"What I do know is that the police will only hold a press conference when it has been successful." he said in an interview with NEAT FM morning show 'Ghana Montie'.

His comment comes after the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of the Ghana Police Service publicly stated that he had identified the location of the three abducted girls and will bring them back home soon.

Akamba, however, thinks the police are playing "puzzle games" – adding that, "They just want to divert attention."

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