Takoradi kidnapping: we do not really trust the police – Family [Video] | General news


The family of Ruth Love Quayson, one of three girls kidnapped by Takoradi, said the allegations of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) that she would have discovered that the location of abducted girls was debatable.

According to Rebecca Quayson, Ruth Quayson's older sister, the police announcement that the girls were found is "totally useless".

"What they say that they found the girls does not make sense to us." It's like they're playing with us. They play with our emotions. they should just bring them home. We miss them, she said in an interview with NEAT FM morning show 'Ghana Montie'.

The Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of the Ghana Police Service has identified the location of the three kidnapped girls.

Ghana and other security agencies in the United Kingdom and the United States are already working together to find the girls kidnapped.

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