Taxi drivers arrested in Liberia after riot


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A hundred people, mostly young motorcycle taxi drivers, were arrested following a violent rally on Monday in the central city of Weala, a rubber-producing town, told the BBC on Wednesday. spokesperson for the police.

The riot – which led to two police stations, a court and a torched vehicle – was about the alleged murder of a motorcyclist whose body was found in a bush on March 7, did he? he declares.

The police have not yet stopped the biker's death, but are looking for a man whose ID has been found near where the body was found, Carter said.

Angry bikers made the city "ungovernable", with only 25 policemen, he said.

Protesters barricaded the roads with burning tires and looting were also reported.

Police reinforcements have been sent from Monrovia, the capital, and those arrested have been brought into the city, Carter said.

Weala is located in Margibi County, home to the largest rubber plantation in the world, the Firestone Rubber Company, owned by the United States.

It is also located on the main road leading to the borders with Guinea, Cote d Ivoire and Sierra Leone.

Under Liberian law, the authorities have 48 hours to charge and bring to justice those arrested.

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