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This represents 3.5 billion payments a year, more than double the current total number of payments made by the federal government as a whole …

– What the carbon tax groups will not tell you–

A carbon tax and a "dividend" system (a nod to the consultant who coined this suspicious term) would impose a significant tax increase on the American people. It would also create a new major rights-related spending program and give the government more power over your life. Not surprisingly, more than 75 Conservative groups have sent a declaration this week to Congress: "We oppose any carbon tax."

Now suppose for a moment that the carbon tax advocates are telling the truth and that the carbon tax money would not disappear in a black hole of "urgent" special spending interests of the Democratic Party (Green New Deal , etc.).

Because a carbon tax will drive up almost all of the cost of living, carbon tax advocates quickly mention that someone in Washington will send "dividend checks" or "rebates" so to compensate Americans for the increased burden they face to earn a living.

Journalists in charge of energy and the environment conscientiously note every new Nobel lawyer or economist who subscribes to a carbon tax system and dividends. Yet these same journalists have shown a remarkable lack of curiosity about the real consequences of such a complex redistribution regime. They simply tell their readers that "dividends" or "rebates" will be sent to the campaign, and then … well, that's it. They no longer report the story. The carbon tax groups are certainly not concerned about it.

The House of Representatives' Bill on the Carbon Tax (H.R. 763), co-sponsored by 42 Democrats and Republican Francis Rooney, calls for these payments to be made.each month" at "any living natural person who has a valid Social Security Number or Taxpayer Identification Number and who is a citizen or legal resident of the United States. "

How many payments does this represent each month?


The population of US citizens is estimated at 294,959,400 people.

As a result, the carbon tax bill would require a federal entity to make at least 294,959,400 payments a month.

Multiply this number by 12 (months) and you get 3,539,512,800.

3.5 billion individual carbon tax payments per year.

It's a lot of payments. For perspective, let's compare it to the Social Security Administration:

-The Social Security Administration has a total of 68,535,000 beneficiaries (May 2019).

-294,959,400 (estimated population of US citizens) divided by 68,535,000 (number of SSA beneficiaries) equals 4.3

This means that the carbon tax bill involves more than four times the number of beneficiaries that the Social Security Administration.

How big is the bureaucracy of the Social Security Administration?

Based in Baltimore, the SSA has nearly 60,000 employees. According to SSA: "The field organization, which is decentralized to provide services at the local level, includes 10 regional offices, 6 treatment centers and about 1,230 field offices. There are 2 additional treatment centers in the central office. "Here is the organization chart.

This is not to say that the carbon tax and dividend system would require the same proportion of employees as the SSA.

However, the carbon tax system will impose an important bureaucratic task on one or more organizations: registration, eligibility determination, fraud prevention, social workers – to resolve lost, missing or inaccurate payment issues , custody and divorce issues (children also receive payments) and updated bank account numbers – software development, IT staffing, human resource management, legal staffing and dozens of hours of work. other logistical activities. Congressional offices will devote some of their time to calls, letters and other issues related to the carbon tax.

(Oh, and "dividend" payments are subject to federal and state income tax and must be reconciled in your annual income tax return.This will require coordination at the federal and provincial level. will result in a tremendous amount of paperwork for the government, employers and households.)

The entire federal government makes about 1.38 billion payments a year.

This means that the carbon tax bill will require at least double the totality of the current annual US government payments.

Ready to start?

See also:

Romney "looks" at the carbon tax

Francis Rooney approves a major tax increase

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