Teachers use chalk boards to ask exam questions ▷ YEN.COM.GH


Teachers in some elementary schools in the Ashanti region used writing exam questions on the board, following a directive from the Ghana Education Service (GES) asking school principals to not to collect printing fees from students.

Most schools have already started the end-of-term exams, while others have had to postpone exam dates.

Some schools also reimbursed printing fees collected from students after a meeting with district directors who asked them to comply with the GHG directive.

Teachers use chalkboards to ask exam questions

Teacher writing the end-of-term exams on the board
Source: UGC
Source: UGC

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Some teachers who spoke to Citi News said that their hands were tied and they had no choice but to write questions on the board.

"It was a warning, so we complied with what they said. We started the exams yesterday and we wrote on the board according to their directive " a teacher said.

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Source: Yen.com.gh

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