Temperature scales


This week on The Sound Kitchen, you'll hear the answer to the question about temperature scales in degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius. There is interesting information about the ancient Mesopotamian civilization, the news of the listeners, the good music – and of course, the new quiz question. Just click on the arrow in the photo above and enjoy!

Hello everyone! Welcome to the weekly podcast The Sound Kitchen, released every Saturday. You will hear the names of the winners and the quiz of the week, as well as all the other ingredients you are used to: your letters and essays, "On This Day", unusual facts and news, interviews and good music … then be sure and listen every week.

I want to hear about your little moments of joy. Little things everyday: a beautiful sunset, a baby laugh. Add this as a very good ingredient to our common kitchen – let's share the joy! In these times of madness, we all need it … write to me at [email protected]

For our pbadionate friends and DX listeners: I am sad to announce that we no longer have a shortwave frequency; we have severe budgetary constraints that no longer allow us to broadcast shortwave.

But you can still hear us on World Radio Network. As you know, we only broadcast one hour a day, Monday to Friday, from 14:00 to 15:00 UTC / GMT.

For North America: WRN broadcasts the RFI English daily program three times daily from Monday to Friday from 06:00 to 06:59, from 10:00 to 10:59 and from 16:00 to 16:59 UTC / GMT.


For Africa and Asia: WRN broadcasts the RFI English daily program three times daily from Monday to Friday from 06:00 to 06:59, from 10:00 to 10:59 and from 16:00 to 16:59 UTC / GMT.


For Europe: WRN broadcasts the RFI English daily program three times daily from Monday to Friday from 07:00 to 07:50, from 12:00 to 12:59 and from 20:00 to 20:59 UTC / GMT.


In Paris, you can hear us on World Radio Paris (http://www.worldradioparis.fr/) on DAB +, from Monday to Friday from 15:00 to 15:59 UTC / GMT and from Tuesday to Saturday from 07:00 to 07:00. : 59 UTC / GMT.

To listen to our features, visit our website and click on "Features". You will see all our features (now only podcasts). You can either listen directly or subscribe and receive them directly on your mobile phone. Do not give up us!

Teachers, take note! I keep postcards and stamps from all over the world to send you for your students. If you want stamps and postcards for your students, write to me and let me know. The address is [email protected]

Did you know that there is a newsletter in English on RFI? If you subscribe, you will receive our newsletter every day. Just click on Newsletters, fill out the form and you will stay up to date with RFI English.

Welcome to our new member of the RFI Listeners Club, Dr. Thiagasambandam Elampooranan from Chennai, India.

I'm so glad you joined us!
You too can be a member of the RFI Listeners Club – write me at the address [email protected] and tell me you want to register, and I will send you a membership number. It's so easy. When you win a Sound Kitchen quiz as a member of the RFI Listeners Club, you receive a premium price.

RFI Clubs: Make sure you always include Audrey Iattoni ([email protected]) and Chrystelle Nammour ([email protected]) our Audience Relations Department for all correspondence from your RFI Club. Do not forget to copy me ([email protected]) when you write them so that I know what is happening too. N.B. You do not need to send them your answers to the quiz! Mail overload!

We have created a Facebook page specifically for you, the English RFI clubs. This is a closed group. Therefore, when you register, enter the name of your RFI club and your membership number. Everyone can watch it, but only members of the group can post it. If you have not yet applied to join the group, go to the Facebook link above and fill out the questionnaire !!!!! (If you do not answer the questions, I click on "refuse").

This week's quiz: On May 11, I asked you a question about temperatures. You had to send the names and nationalities of the scientists who invented the two temperature scales, the Fahrenheit scale and the Celsius scale. I also asked you to send when the scales were invented, as well as the temperature when the two scales are identical or equal.

The answers are: For the Fahrenheit scale: the Dutch, German and Polish physicist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit. He created his scale in 1724. The Fahrenheit scale was the first standardized temperature scale to be widely used.

For the Celsius scale: His father is Anders Celsius. Celsius developed a temperature scale similar to the one we use today, in 1742. However, its scale opposite from what we use today: 0 represents the boiling point of water, while 100 represents the freezing point of water. The Celsius scale was reversed in 1744 by his compatriot, the Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus.

And what is the common temperature of the two scales? Less 40.

This week's winners are: Members of the RFI Listeners Club, Nasyr Muhammad, of Katsina State, Nigeria; Samuel Francis of St Catherine, Jamaica; Mohammad Akhsan from Dhaka, Bangladesh and Zenon Teles, from the Christian – Marxist – Leninist – Maoist DX – ers Association in Goa, India. Finally, Ras Franz Manko Ngogo, president of the Kemogemba RFI Club of Tarime, Mara, Tanzania.

Congratulations to the winners!
Here's the music you heard in this week's program: "Che Mali Wali" by Munir Bashir; traditional English dance of the 13th century interpreted by Artefactum; "Warm Camargues" by Frédéric Kooshmanian and Michel Estrade; Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov's "The Flight of the Drone" and "Come, let me take you under such a sky" written and sung by Kishore Kumar.

Do you have a music request? Send it to [email protected]

This week's question … You will have to listen to the show to participate. You have until July 15 to participate in this week's quiz. the winners will be announced on the July 20 podcast. When entering, be sure to send your mailing address with your reply and, if you have one, your RFI Listeners Club membership number.

Send your answers to:
[email protected]
Susan Owensby
RFI – The sound kitchen
80, rue Camille Desmoulins
92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux
la France
By text … You can also send your answers to the quiz on The Sound Kitchen mobile phone. Dial your country's international access code, or the "+", then 33 6 31 12 96 82. Do not forget to include your mailing address in your text – and if you do not have one, your RFI Listeners Club membership number.

To learn how to win a special Sound Kitchen prize, click here.

To learn how to become a member of the RFI Listeners Club or create your own official RFI club, click here.

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