Terror: soldiers protect Sunday Catholics


General News of Sunday, June 9, 2019

Source: Myjoyonline.com


WA PROTECT There were heavy military patrols around the church and its neighboring communities

Following the arrest of a suspected terrorist armed with firearms in a Catholic church in Hamile last week, the Army badured the safety of the faithful of this church today. hui.

Rafiq Salam of JoyNews reported heavy military patrols around the church and its neighboring communities.

George Naaikur expressed his satisfaction for the development. He is a member of the Hamile Catholic Church. His vigilance led to the arrest of the alleged terrorist, who was returned to the Wa High Court on June 14. He believes that the presence of the army will greatly help to dispel the fear of the faithful and the community. .

The military protection of the church on Sunday and its surroundings is part of the government's efforts to address the fear of terrorist attacks on the church.

These attacks have already begun in other African countries.

According to the Reuters news agency, unidentified badailants killed four Catholics and destroyed a statue of the Virgin Mary in northern Burkina Faso. This is a third deadly attack on Christians in this West African country in two weeks.

But Upper West West Regional Minister Hafiz Bin Salih told Joy News that security had been strengthened in the region and in other parts of the country.

Dr. Salih said that a formed police unit and a contingent of air force military personnel at Tamale had been brought in to prevent any disaster.

"The Upper West region is safe and we have put in place measures to ensure the safety of our citizens."

As part of the security strategy, the Regional Security Council (REGSEC) met with stakeholders in the region, including church leaders, to brief them on their role in the current and unstable security situation. .

At the same time, the Upper West police foiled an attempted armed robbery in Wa. Attack weapons have been recovered.

These include two short rifles and eight live BB cartridges.

According to Deputy Chief of Police of the Upper West West, ACP Peter Ndekugri Anabugri, the weapons were concealed in a bush.

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