Tesla launches new feature of dynamic brake lights


Tesla has begun deploying a new safety feature called "dynamic brake lights" in Model 3 vehicles in Europe to help prevent rear-end crashes.

As part of its 2019.8.3 software update, which brought several different features to different Tesla vehicles, depending on the type and market, the automaker also put forward this feature of dynamic brake lights, which is quite simple but could nevertheless help prevent preventable accidents.

Tesla describes the functionality in the release notes:

"If you drive more than 50 km / h and brake hard, the brake lights will now flash quickly to warn other drivers that your car is slowing down quickly."

In addition to flashing the brake lights in the event of rapid deceleration, this function automatically turns on the hazard lights for you.

The builder says that they are automatically disabled as soon as you press the accelerator:

"If your car stops completely, the hazard warning lights will flash until you press the accelerator or manually press the hazard indicator button to turn them off."

Until now, only model 3 owners in Europe have reported receiving this feature as part of the latest Tesla software update.

Tesla's plan to extend this functionality to other vehicles and markets is not yet clear.

It may be difficult for Tesla to introduce this feature into the United States, where strict restrictions govern what the brake lights can do.

This feature has been used in Europe by other manufacturers for decades. BMW is one of the traditional builders who offer it.

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