Tesla semi-electric driverless truck seen in California


A recent video shared by Twitter with the courtesy of Spencer Uttley has put the Internet to the test with regard to the future of driverless transport vehicles.

What many believe to be a semi-electric semi-electric Tesla semi-electric driverless truck was spotted on a California highway in early May and differing opinions on the meaning of the potentially driverless electric transport truck were quickly raised on all platforms. say "SpaceX".

#You're here #Semi on the 101 pic.twitter.com/2s4cw7DsU0

– Spencer Uttley (@spenceyou) May 1, 2019

While Elon Musk had originally unveiled the concept of the electric truck project in November 2017, production models have been postponed from a planned release for this year to an exit scheduled for the end of 2020. The trucks would operate using the same autopilot capabilities as those presented in other Tesla prototypes and would represent huge fuel savings for the future of transshipment.

Concerns about the possibility that this latest development of the innovative Tesla eliminates thousands of jobs for commercial drivers continue to rage the market.

The outcry over the mere possibility that the truck Uttley captured was the first stone of the common livelihoods grave for all known LDC holders drew a 50/50 line of interest at the vehicle's reception (and Tesla's name) as a whole.

Do the ecological benefits of the idea of ​​driverless transportation outweigh the preponderance of unemployed truckers projected as collateral damage? Do advances in technological innovation always have a human cost?


These are questions that are best left to the universally decisive factors of time and experience. What we can be sure at this point is that the Tesla electric truck project will be worth considering as one of the most exciting developments in automotive technology over the next year. If you see half or two driverless semiconductors from here, you may be able to settle for a moment, catch your breath and hope that everything will be fine.

Watch the official unveiling of the electric trucks above.

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