Texas police monitor Blue Bell ice


KELLER, Texas – A Texas police service will not let anyone lick his Blue Bell ice cream and put it back in place.

A message on Keller Public Safety's Facebook page shows that two of its agents stand guard in the ice cream section of a supermarket. The photo comes after a viral video showed a woman licking a Blue Bell ice cream and putting it back on the shelf.

The woman who was filmed could be sentenced to 20 years in prison because in Texas, it is a second-degree crime of altering a consumer product. According to the police, a fine of up to $ 10,000 is also provided.

More: A woman licking a Blue Bell ice cream could be sentenced to 20 years in prison

"The only Blue Bell ice cream licked here in Keller this holiday weekend will be the one you've already bought," reads in Keller's article, Public Safety.

The only Blue Bell ice cream licked here in Keller this weekend will be the one you've already bought. Cap. Clark and Officer Bryans are watching over this. #NotOnOurWatch

These officers are not the only ones to keep an eye on the delicious dairy product.

A Walmart in Corpus Christi has released the photo of a staff member named Ruben monitoring his ice with a water pistol.

Previous: This Texas Walmart has an "armed guard" overseeing the Blue Bell freezer

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