That all Ghanaian politicians go to wash in the pool of Siloam


Dr Bawumia, vice president of Ghana smiling, does not know what suffering looks likeDr Bawumia, vice president of Ghana smiling, does not know what suffering looks like

On Mount Afadjato, yesterday, I heard the Vice President of the Republic of Ghana, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, talk about the policies and programs being implemented by the current Ghanaian leader, Nana Akufo Addo, in order to eliminate an incurable disease that has been the world, including Africa, when Adam sinned.

Since all men are born imperfect because of Adam's sin, the world is beset by violence, crime, lies, hypocrisy, tribalism, nepotism, greed, selfishness, and Corruption. Therefore, from the top of the mount, according to Bawumia:

"The administration of Nana Akufo Addo has, in just two-and-a-half years, put in place systems and institutions designed to reduce the human interface in service delivery, while significantly increasing the resources available to them. anti-corruption agencies with the aim of: eliminating waste and eliminating opportunities for corrupt practices. "- ModernGhana news reference.

Since I am interested in Ghanaian politics, I have loved Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia. Even though I respect our Ghanaian chef, Nana Akufo Addo, Dr. Bawumia has pleased me more than our leader for two particular reasons.

First, Nana Akufo Addo knows that Bawumia has a sugar-coated tongue and has the ability to convince everyone, which is why he chose Bawumia as vice president. How can he convince the Ghanaian population that the NPP government is fighting corruption when many do not even know where their meal will come from? Every time I visit Ghana, I see the real sinister of some Ghanaians in pain.

The second problem concerns the sweetness of Bawumia's face, which reveals that he is a wealthy neighborhood baby who does not know what suffering is, courtesy of Max Romeo. Frankly speaking Bawumia does not feel the pain of what many ordinary Ghanaians are experiencing.

He hopes that Ghanaians recognize the fact that the government of Nana Akufo Addo has finally found a solution to eradicate this cancerous disease, corruption, which, since the independence of Ghana, has ruined the economy, delayed the progress of the country and placed many Ghanaians in a permanent situation. state of scarcity and poverty.

Vice President's Anti-Corruption Sermon – ModernGhana news reference

"Once the land digitization process is over, we will virtually eliminate corruption in the Land Commission.

"As you may know, at least 21 former public servants are currently being tried for alleged corruption-related offenses.

"We have adopted the necessary legislation and appointed a special prosecutor to deal with exceptional cases of corruption.

"We are deploying a national identity card, reducing the risk of corruption in the public sector. We plan to completely abandon this area in the middle of next year through the successful implementation of interoperability of mobile money.

"As auditors, CHRAJ and other anti-corruption agencies attest, we have provided much more resources in the last two years than we have in the past." before. The Auditor General has just revealed that the Service now has three times the resources it had before.

"The historical reforms that we have introduced over the past two and a half years in the fight against corruption are unparalleled by any government of the Fourth Republic or, so to speak, by any government in the last 50 years," he said. said Vice President Bawumia.

Dr. Bawumia's statement against corruption is not convincing

Mr. Bawumia, I must congratulate you for the efforts of the NPP administration in the fight against corruption in the country, but quite frankly, no one can eliminate corruption in Africa, including Ghana. Even in advanced countries where electronic devices have been manufactured to accept payments, to prevent the man from getting closer to the money, there is always corruption.

In Europe, more than 6 billion euros of European taxpayers' money have been stolen by criminals in recent years and more than 130 million euros are still lost each year, warned EU auditors. These were the damning numbers of a report on European Union budget fraud prepared by the European Court of Auditors, the block's financial watchdog.

Fraudsters stole at least 8.8 billion euros from the EU budget between 2002 and 2016, but the institutions of the European Union have recovered only 2.6 billion euros, a third of this amount. sum, says the report. According to Olaf, the main anti-fraud agency of the European Union, they stole an additional 391 million euros in 2017, the vast majority of flights falling under the EU's aid to poor regions and fishing. Source:

If you read this short article above about mbadive corruption in the European Union and who has the best anti-corruption systems in Africa, how can you convince Ghanaians that your administration can succeed? or managed to fight against corruption? Dr. Bawumia?

There is a story in the Bible which, I am sure, is also in the Qur'an about Jesus Christ who heals a born blind man. According to biblical history, Jesus spits on the floor and, with his saliva, makes a paste and puts the eyes of the blind. He then asked him "to go wash in the pool of Siloam". The man did and covers the view.

In my opinion, the only way to convince Ghanaians, or even others, that the NPP government has reduced or eliminated corruption in the country is to let every Ghanaian politician "go to the pool of Siloam to wash" . their body with your saliva mixed with clay, let them just go wash in the pool of Siloam, it's enough to eradicate corruption in Ghana.

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