That's what happens to your body when you eat too much carbohydrate, according to an expert


Smiling woman using her mobile phone while having her meal at an outdoor cafe
Smiling woman using her mobile phone while having her meal at an outdoor cafe

If you still eat too much carbohydrate, it could lead to weight gain, but that does not mean you have to remove it completely. At some point, you've probably heard or even been involved in a heated debate about carbohydrates, but we'll let you fight it with your friends.

To learn more about the importance of carbohydrates in your diet, how many carbohydrates you need to eat every day to get the most out of your body, and what happens to your body when you eat too much, POPSUGAR talked to Jason Machowsky, RD, CSSD, RCEP, CSCS, Sports Dietitian and Exercise Physiologist certified by the Board of Directors of Tish Sports Performance Center of the Hospital of Special Surgeries.

Related: Trying to lose fat? That's the number of carbs you need to eat each day, according to a dietitian

How much carbohydrate should I eat to build muscle and lose fat?
How much carbohydrate should I eat to build muscle and lose fat?

Why do you need carbs?

Running your body is a complex process, but one simple thing to remember about carbohydrates and the role they play in your body is: carbohydrates are a fuel for your body. "They're the essence of the engine, so the more you drive, the more fuel you need. The less driving you do, the less fuel you need," Jason told POPSUGAR.

When you book your favorite workout at the last minute, your body will convert carbohydrates into energy (complex process) to allow you to continue the workout. When doing a HIIT workout, or any other workout, your body turns into carbs to help you with every movement.

We're not here to tell you what foods to eat – we hope you make the best decision for yourself – but it's a fact that carbs allow you to function to the best of your ability. Research has shown that long-term carbohydrate restriction can negatively affect your mood and cognitive function. Bottom line: you need carbs.

Related: Trying to lose fat? That's the number of carbs you need to eat each day, according to a dietitian

How much carbohydrate should I eat to build muscle and lose fat?
How much carbohydrate should I eat to build muscle and lose fat?

What happens to your body when you eat too much carbohydrate

If you want to avoid feeling dull, you have to eat carbohydrates and, in general, have a balanced diet including protein, fat and low-processed foods. "Carbs are calories, while you eat too much carbohydrate, fat or protein for what your body burns, you can put on weight," said Jason.

"Getting too much weight for overweight people can lead to other metabolic problems such as insulin resistance, heart disease and prediabetes," he explained. Too much carbohydrate can lead to weight gain, but Jason said, "It's not just carbs themselves, it's just eating too much and not being active. Carbohydrates are just one of the goals of this activity. [weight gain]. "

How many carbs you should eat each day

To make sure you consume enough carbs for energy, without overeating, Jason said, "The general guideline has always been [to consume] between 120 and 140 grams of carbohydrates per day as a base. "

"I would say that there are these" guidelines ", but you will not fall to the ground if you do not reach that figure either, it's quite varied," he said. explained Jason. If you want a more individualized guide on what you should eat and how much you should eat each day, we recommend consulting a dietician.

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