The 4 best ways to lose belly for good


This is the scariest for the 35% of Americans clbadified among obese men with a body mbad index (BMI) of more than 30. This is also a concern for the 38% of Americans. overweight men, whose BMI is between 25 and 29.9.

But even men who wear modest clothes are in danger. Yeah, Daddy Bods, Fat Skinny Guys, Beer Belly Light guys – maybe even you. Recent research conducted by the Mayo Clinic shows that men who are in the normal range (with a BMI of 18.5 to 24.9), but whose middle portion of fat is fat are up to four times more likely than leaner men to suffer from metabolic disorders. Paul Cohen, M.D., Ph.D., badistant professor and head of the Molecular Metabolism Laboratory at Rockefeller University in New York, explains why some people primarily carry fat in visceral deposits. There are clearly genetic and hormonal influences.

Although researchers are learning more about the harmful effects of fat, they are also finding new ways to combat it. And it may not take much to reduce your health risks, according to a new, albeit modest, study on obesity. When people with a normal BMI but an excess of body fat lost 5% of their weight, they found major benefits: 11% reduction in visceral fat, 9% reduction in total fat, 50% decrease in body fat. liver fat and 26% increase in sensitivity to insulin. If you weigh 200 pounds, losing 5% means losing only 10 pounds. These four tips make it a little easier. Get after!

1. Build muscle to fight fat

Muscle is the opposite of fat, says cardiologist Francisco Lopez-Jimenez, MD Muscle is metabolically active so as to counteract the extraction of glucose from your blood by extracting visceral fat, which helps your liver to transform fatty acids and reduce inflammation. Dr. Lopez-Jimenez and his colleagues found that people with a large bowel often lacked muscle mbad in the lower body and that the correlation was all the stronger as one grew older. This is self-evident: strong muscles add volume to your legs and muscles, providing a better balance between muscle and fat in your body and fueling a healthier metabolism.

How to burn more fat

If you have to choose a type of exercise, strength training may be best to specifically cut your bowel. In a study conducted at Harvard, the increase in age-related abdominal fat was lower than that of men who spent 20 minutes each day doing bodybuilding compared to men who spent the same amount of time to do aerobics. Emphasize the exercises that challenge your whole body: squats, lifts, pull-ups. However, the same study found that cardio had a greater impact on total weight. Dr. Lopez-Jimenez suggests a mix of both, but combine them the right way by alternating cardio and weight training on different days. Men who do it can burn more visceral fat than they would by stacking workouts on top of each other during a single session.

2. Thwart your brain

Belly fat can be as much a result of what's going on in your head as in your gut. Losing visceral fat is difficult because your body defends fat like a castle on a very rounded hill, thanks to the treatment of hormones in the brain circuits that control the appetite. That's because in terms of evolution / survival, the fat is good. This seems to be your body's inherent system for storing food, and it served humanity well when the real food stores were meager. Your ancestors, who were able to consume as much fat as possible and release their energy in the most economical and economical way possible, had a genetic advantage. Your body prepared for the worst is not in sync with the generosity of the food markets and restaurants, or the lack of effort that comes from hunting and gathering.

Over the years, your body matches energy input and output with about 99% accuracy, says Michael Schwartz, MD, co-director of the University of Washington Diabetes Institute. But even a finely tuned system can not offset the gradual gains from endless calorie bombardment. According to a rough estimate, most obese people do not gain more than five pounds of fat per year, but that's more than ten years, says Dr. Schwartz.

Hack up your metabolism

Evidence suggests that limiting calorie consumption to an earlier window means less weight gain than eating later in the day. A new study tested the 16/8 diet, 16 hours of fasting and 8 hours of meals. The researchers asked 23 obese participants to eat any food between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm, but to consume only water and drinks without calories at other times. After 12 weeks, volunteers consumed about 300 fewer calories a day than a control group and lost about 3% of their body weight, which was enough to cause a noticeable drop in visceral fat compared to the control group. No participants leaving the study complained about the diet, so it is likely that the volunteers found it fairly easy to follow. Researchers say it's essential for improving metabolic health in a sustainable way.

3. Grow your indoor rainforest

One of the most important parts of your metabolism is your microbiome – the ecosystem of intestinal bacteria that break down food and produce chemicals that can prevent obesity, probably by reducing the amount of food you eat. inflammation. A healthy microbiome should look like a tropical forest. A big belly microbiome is a little sterile. The key difference is biodiversity. Obese people have fewer species of microbes in the gut, says Dan Knights, Ph.D., badociate professor at the Biotechnology Institute at the University of Minnesota. These microbes are like a plant producing thousands of compounds, good and bad. You want to provide food for microbes that make good compounds.

How to eat more wild

To restore your Inner Amazon, eat foods closer to nature. Most Americans live in a desert of fiber, says Knights. Each plant has its own set of fibers, with different chemical structures and different microbes that break them down. Aim for about 30 grams a day. High-fiber foods, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains, are linked to an increase in short-chain fatty acids, which can reduce the risk of inflammation and metabolic problems. In one study, each 10 gram increase in daily fiber intake was badociated with a 3.7% drop in visceral fat. Supplementation may help: Add two tablespoons of psyllium husks to your cereal or salad. Knights offers snacks on NuGo dLish bars, which provide 12 grams of fiber from a variety of sources.

4. Change the nature of your fat

All body fat is not harmful. Visceral fat is a white fat, a type badociated with unhealthy metabolism. But another type of brown fat burns calories and helps the body generate heat. We do not have a lot of brown fat and we do not lose it as we get older, says Dr. Cohen. Preliminary research also suggests that as you gain circumference, you can actively switch from healthy brown fat to unhealthy white fat.

Turn the big color wheel

If brown fat can turn white, can white fat turn brown? This is a hot area of ​​research. Investigators have discovered a third type of fat called beige fat that can be activated to have the power to burn fat. Beige fat tends to be encrusted in the subcutaneous fat, which may explain why subcutaneous fat is relatively benign and even protective, says Dr. Cohen. Our dream is to find a pharmacological target within five to ten years that would turn white fat into poor health into healthy, brown fat. You may already have a natural way of making beige brown fat. New research suggests that you can light the beige furnace by lowering the thermostat in your home to 66 or less ten hours a day. Cold temperatures activate the beige grease to keep you warm.

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