The 5 best rumors (and the 5 worst)


Star wars the fans are nothing but a pbadionate group – so much so that we could even be a little haunting. If the recent outcry of fans regarding the release date of Episode IXThe title of is something to do, it is clear that the tensions are currently quite high in the Star wars world of fans. And for the moment, the curiosity of the fans is no longer in sight.

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Many rumors have emerged over the past 18 months regarding what Episode IXThe real title could really be. After some changes to its production title, which was once Black Diamond but more recently has been called Trixierumors and theories have only increased in frequency – and, in some cases, in ridicule.

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Star Wars: The last fight between Jedi Rey and Kylo Snoke in the throne room (photo: Disney Lucasfilm)

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ten Best: a new order

Star Wars: The last fight between Jedi Rey and Kylo Snoke in the throne room (photo: Disney Lucasfilm)

Although similar to another title, there is just something about the more concise title A new order it seems a lot more epic. Episode IX really allows the Star Wars franchise to build something completely new.

What he's doing A new order We would be referring to a new Jedi Order, a First Order or a new type of Order that we could not design for the moment. The possibilities are endless and would only open the already vast universe to a richer narrative – featuring new and old characters.

9 Worst: Ashes of the Empire

"Let the past die, kill it where it is needed, it is the only way to become what you were supposed to be." This was one of the clearest lessons to be learned from Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. Star Wars is now a frankly forward looking franchise.

A title like Ashes of the Empire, distributed for the first time on Reddit, represents far too many forms of reflection on the past. Ashes are what lags after a fire has died out and the Empire is gone for a long time. This title would do no favor to the film or the franchise.

8 Best: spark of hope

A plausible theory for a Episode IX title would be that he would follow in the footsteps of Episode VIIIThe title of. The last Jedi was one of the most intriguing sentences found in the exploration of the opening title of Episode VII: The awakening of the force.


Watch The last Jedititle crawl title, a phrase that has stood out in particular, considering how the film ends, has been Spark of hope. With the universe of Star wars, and the Force itself, now open to many more characters than we've ever known, Episode IX could go the optimistic way and use a positive title.

7 Worse: son of darkness

Kylo Ren confronts his former Crait mentor in Star Wars The Last Jedi

It would definitely be a surprising creative decision to have Episode IXThe title of the title is entirely centered on a character, in the same way as Episode VIIIThe title of & # 39; may have (or not). It would be even more surprising to have a grandiose and incredibly negative title as Son of darkness.

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As disturbing and presumptuous as this title is, if the film is darker than what we have already seen, it is a title that just does not fit. Kylo Ren has never been the "Son of Darkness", and if the first films revealed anything, it is that his struggle between darkness and light will only continue.

6 Best: The new order goes up

Even with all the losses suffered during the last act of The last Jedi, including the sudden death of Luke Skywalker when he was likely to become united with the Force, the film still managed to put an end to his activities on a relatively optimistic note, the Resistance rebuilding itself from scratch.

Of course, the First Order was also being rebuilt, with a new Supreme Leader at its head. So it's not just the Resistance, and maybe the Jedi order, that is reinventing itself. As suggested by a plausible title for episode IX, The new order is rising could have more meaning.

5 Worse: Order of the Ren

Knights of Ren in Star Wars The awakening of strength

Since first teased briefly in the force awakensRen's Knights were the subject of lively discussion. Although we still know pretty much everything about them, the first rumors about Episode IX suggest that mysterious figures can finally make their appearance.

Yet, even though the characters end up playing an important role in the overall narrative of the film, a title like Order of Ren just do not cut it. It's too narrow and does not suit the characters at all, whether it's Knights or Kylo Ren himself.

4 Best: The last hope

Princess Leia as a hologram saying to help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, you are my only hope

Although it is not a direct reference to one of the lines that started the Star wars Throughout the saga, it's impossible to look at a purported title like The Last Hope and not immediately remember the invocation of a young princess Leia, "Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, you are my only hope."

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Waiting for Episode IXthere are many things that could be considered as a last hope. Whether it's Rey's leadership as a new face of the Jedi, the Rebuilt Resistance, or perhaps even a redeemed Ben Solo, the theme of hope is the one that has endured throughout Skywalker's journey – and it should be completed as well.

3 Worse: Rebellion Reborn

Star wars is at its best when both sides of the divide are equitably represented. A title that focuses entirely on one side of the ever-growing conflict misses the target – and even more so when the terminology used is totally obsolete, as in the case of the rumored title Reborn Reborn.

The bright side of the ongoing battle that constitutes the titular war in Star wars has not been called rebellion or rebel alliance since the original trilogy, but really, even if it was Resistance is reborn instead, nothing on this title works.

2 Best: balance of strength

Rey fights Kylo Ren on Starkiller base in Star Wars The Force Awakens

This rumored title could be the best of all. The light side of the Force and the dark side of the Force have always been at war, and the promised elect, once considered Anakin Skywalker, was supposed to bring a balance to the Force.

So, the idea that the whole Skywalker saga could end in a complete circle, with a title like Balance of strength, is really exciting. It may be too good to be true because it's pretty much a popular incarnated fan theory. But if this supposed leak is even very close to the real title, then it's a damn good.

1 Worse: the reign of darkness

Rey and Snoke in Star Wars The Last Jedi

If a title that focuses solely on the supremacy of the Light Side seems insufficient, it is quite natural that a similar title focusing entirely on the Dark Side would also have the feeling that he missed his target , it's really the last chapter of the film. Skywalker Saga.

Reign of darkness has definitely made an epic title, but as the end point of this beloved series, it does not feel good. If anything, the darkness present in The last Jedi Kylo Ren, the probably unreliable leader, is now in charge.

NEXT: This popular Star Wars 9 title is awesome (if it's real)

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