The ACA medicaid expansion could have reduced the number of deaths due to heart disease


The ACA medicaid expansion could have reduced the number of deaths due to heart disease

(HealthDay) – New research supports the idea that Obamacare has improved the health of Americans: Medicaid's state extensions appear to have reduced the number of deaths due to heart disease.

The counties in the states where Medicaid has expanded have averaged an average of four deaths per heart disease per 100,000 population compared to states that have not accepted expansion under the Affordable Care Act.

In real terms, this represents about 2,000 fewer deaths per year among middle-aged adults.

"We believe that these findings will be useful to policymakers and health policy researchers in trying to understand the impact of this latest wave of expansion," said researcher Dr. Sameed Khatana, a medical researcher. Cardiovascular at the University of Pennsylvania.

"Our study does not necessarily say that giving a person health insurance through Medicaid will save their lives," Khatana said in a press release issued by the university. The research only revealed an badociation rather than a cause-and-effect relationship.

"However, our study shows that, at the population level, the expansion of Medicaid was badociated with a reduction in the number of deaths from cardiovascular disease, which was particularly important in areas where the number of residents living in the community was high. poverty was higher and insurances increased further, "he said.

For the study, Khatana and colleagues used data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to examine rates of heart disease deaths in the counties from 2010 to 2016 in 29 states with expanded Medicaid and in 19 states without.

They found that deaths from heart disease remained stable in Medicaid's expanding states. In states without Medicaid additions, however, the number of deaths from heart disease has gone from 176 per 100,000 to nearly 181.

In addition, the largest increases in the number of deaths due to heart disease were recorded in countries with the lowest insurance increases between 2010 and 2016.

The report was published online June 5 in the journal JAMA Cardiology.

Fewer people have died from heart disease in states that have extended Medicaid coverage through the Affordable Care Act.

More information:
The American Heart Association offers more information on types of heart disease.

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The ACA medicaid expansion may have reduced the number of deaths from heart disease (June 5, 2019)
recovered on June 5, 2019

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