The actor Kang Ji-hwan arrested for alleged sexual assault at his home


[Kang Ji-Hwan’s Instagram]

SEOUL – Kang Ji-hwan, 42 years old actor and appeared in the 2009 box office hit: "My girlfriend is an officer, was arrested for badual badault on a woman from her management agency and badaulted her." another while she was sleeping in her house after an evening of drinking.

Police said Wednesday that Kang, 42, was arrested at his home in Gwangju, a satellite town southeast of Seoul, at around 10:50 pm (1350 GMT) the day before. He is suspected of near-rape. It is a badual badault involving a person having bad with another person by taking advantage of the victim's state of unconsciousness or inability to resist.

Police intervened as a result of a message from a friend of a victim who sent an SMS stating that she was locked up in Kang's house after drinking. The woman told the investigators that she had been badually badaulted while she was asleep.

The investigators discovered that Kang had dined and dressed with members of his management company before moving to his home with two employees for an extra drink. Kang is believed to have badually badaulted one person and badaulted another. Kang told the police that he did not remember anything after drinking.

Kang made his debut as a musical actor in 2002 and starred in a television series in 2005. He starred in the television series "Capital Scandal (2007)" and "Hong Gil" Dong (2008) ".

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