The American International School of Medicine takes into account current technological advances in medicine


Today, the medical field is making many exciting advances. Artificial intelligence, robotics, advanced drugs, surgeries and pain relief techniques make a difference in patient care while providing relief to patients around the world. The American International School of Medicine examines some of the latest advances in biotechnology, examining how these advances in health care will help patients lead healthier and more comfortable lives, and provide students with greater access modern technologies and greater job satisfaction.
Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence or AI is starting to have a positive impact on patient care. With the help of AI systems, doctors can establish better diagnoses and coordinate medical records. Artificial intelligence systems are also able to badyze the results of radiographic imaging, which means that doctors will have more data, which will allow them to have fewer problems potential.

AI is exciting because it will not replace the doctor, but will help the doctor to do his job faster and more accurately. We will help more patients and the doctor will have the satisfaction of having been able to do his job effectively.


The first surgical robot, the Da Vinci, is already well known in the medical field. The DaVinci robot, although fully controlled by a human surgeon, can perform microsurgery with tiny tools. This means that doctors can treat problems less invasively, resulting in better results and shorter recovery times.

As robotic technology develops, robots will become more and more independent of physician direction, but a doctor will always be needed to guide surgery and monitor potential problems. In addition, postoperative care will continue to be strongly guided by the physician.

Immunotherapy and gene therapy

Many new types of drugs help very sick patients. Immunotherapy and gene therapy are highly advanced treatments that help the body to respond naturally to an illness or injury. Immunotherapy medications are being developed for cancer and immunodeficiency disorders such as lupus or multiple sclerosis. Gene therapy is used to help patients with genetic problems, by injecting them with normal genes or stem cells, to help the patient's body recover on its own.

Smart Medical Devices

Many low technology medical devices have been updated for the 21st century. For example, asthma inhalers are frequently misused because patients do not always understand their doctor's instructions. However, Bluetooth-enabled inhalers transmit inhaler data to a smartphone app, thus telling the patient exactly where he needs to make adjustments. Patients who used these inhalers needed fewer medications over time, they had better symptom control and ultimately health and well-being outcomes.

Wireless sensors for the brain

Advanced plastics have allowed wireless sensors to be placed in the brain. These sensors are bioabsorbable and provide better results than traditional electrodes. Since the sensors have dissolved, patients have less reason to undergo surgery. This is one of the most intriguing advances, according to the American International School of Medicine.

3D printing

3D printing is a technology that has revolutionized the manufacture of prostheses. In the past, prostheses were incredibly expensive to design, adjust and use. Today, 3D printing allows patients to receive better prostheses faster and cheaper. In the future, 3D printing has also been considered to "print" medicines containing more than one drug and offering patients better access to certain medicines.

Artificial organs

3D printing has progressed to the point where researchers can print blood vessels, synthetic ovaries and a pancreas. Since these organs are developed using the patient's cells, they are less likely to experience organ rejection.

Virtual reality

Virtual reality technologies allow physicians to see their work area in more detail, allowing them to practice more in real-life situations and to better diagnose complex conditions with greater specificity. VR is especially useful for surgeons. Using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) data, it is possible to construct a complete 3D model of a patient's body. This allows doctors to examine their patients and subsequently perform more targeted surgeries.


Fitbit and Apple Watch, who closely monitor health data throughout the day, are very familiar. The use of these products has exceeded the mere monitoring of fitness. The latest Apple Watch watch can monitor the heartbeat and gave several patients the first signs of a heart rhythm dysfunction. Other portable devices, such as the artificial pancreas, are revolutionizing diabetes care.

Gene editing

Procedures such as CRISPR (regular palindromic repetitions routinely grouped regularly) are very advanced techniques for gene editing. CRISPR involves manipulating bacteria and viruses to remove infected DNA. Gene modification offers incredible opportunities to advance the science of medicine.

However, these processes are loaded with medical and ethical issues. As medical science progresses, these processes will be used more often with great care to preserve the privacy and integrity of the patient.

Rapid progress of technology

The American International School of Medicine is ready to help interested students learn about these fascinating developments in medical technology. When these students have completed their studies, they will be able to contribute to the advancement of medical techniques.

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