The ANC list could present a real danger for the elections after Ramaphosa


2019-04-03 08:21

According to the ANC's current list, Ramaphosa will face a hostile caucus on returning from parliament after the elections, with about 53 percent of the 120 oldest members being former Zuma-ites, she writes. Melanie Verwoerd.

A lot to
was written on the ANC list for Parliament. Rightly, there was a
a lot of moral indignation about the inclusion of many crazy characters
Zuma years on the list.

Yesterday issued a statement in which they said, among other things, that the
The complete list has been forwarded to the Integrity Commission for review.
According to the statement, this was decided because the ANC "listened
to people, when they said that our public representative candidates should reflect
this spirit of renewal and integrity ".

(To this
I invite you to join me in a long sigh of exasperation.)

In case you
wondered, this statement is political speak for, "we did not think
people care, now they make a noise so that we look better than we are
to do something … otherwise they might not vote for us. "

LILY: Ramaphosa must choose between South Africa and the ANC

Clearly the
ANC feels the pressure – confirmed by the vicious verbal attack, like Jessie's Trump
Duarte vs. Samkele Maseko from eNCA in an interview shortly after the statement
has been freed.

Of course, there
There is very little that the ANC or the Integrity Commission can do at this stage. the
the list was registered in the IEC and the candidates accepted their application.
appointments. So, unless the candidates do not meet the constitutional criteria,
who probably all do it, the ANC can not change the list.

The only
the appeal is now for CEN (on the recommendation of the Integrity Commission)
ask or ask certain candidates to withdraw. If these candidates agree to
do it (and of course, there is no legal obligation to do so), the list
will go up.

Separated from
moral issue around the candidates, there is a very serious challenge looming
for President Ramaphosa after the elections.

the parliamentary caucus of the majority party is crucial for any president.
It is well known that the disappearance of Thabo Mbeki within the party began when he lost the
parliamentary caucus support. In the case of Jacob Zuma, it was the
the ultimatum of the parliamentary caucus ("resign or we will support the FEP
motion of censure ") which led to his resignation.
simple: once a president loses the support of the deputies of his party, his days are

Like the ANC
On the current list, Ramaphosa will face a hostile caucus when Parliament
returns after the elections. Connoisseurs tell me that about 53% of
The first 120 are from ancient Zuma-ites or against Ramaphosa.

If it is
Indeed, this creates a situation in which a vote of censure could be
a constant threat hung over Ramaphosa's head. Although the anti-Ramaphosa
MPs would not easily take this route, they might consider it the ultimate
badet – should they not succeed through the other internal processes of the party to
get rid of Ramaphosa.

They would like
of course, need the support of the EFF in this area. Hope the prosecutor
to have the sense to vote for Ramaphosa if that happened, but with the previous
secret ballot that took place during the Zuma years, such a motion could still

The question is what would be the compromise for the EFF? Who would they accept from
as president and what would they want in return? Would they agree on DD Mabuza
as president and could they insist on a vice president position for

These are
only a few of the scary questions asked by some ANC MPs at the moment.

well before arriving at this point, there are other challenges for Ramaphosa in the
Parliament of May 8th.

the bad and the bads are extremely powerful – as are the chairmen of the committees. If they do it
to cooperate, it becomes very difficult to process and adopt legislation and
thus implement government policy. It also means, as we have seen in the Zuma years,
that there is little oversight of departments and Cabinet.

The problem
is that the positions of the bads, including the chief bad, as well as
the chairs of the committees are chosen by the Luthuli House. Although this is done by
consultation, these decisions largely fall within the office of the secretary
General of the ANC, Ace Magashule.

So, if the
president wants to survive the next five years it's absolutely crucial that
he (and his followers) are no longer surprised to take a nap at work – as it seems
they were doing while creating the list. They must make sure that they
have one, or preferably the, Say when
it is necessary to fill these key positions.

It would also be wise to appoint parliamentary advisers or liaison officers to
each committee (from outside of Parliament; perhaps from former members) faithful
and reliable. This would establish close links between cabinet ministers
(which, hopefully, would be more representative of the Ramaphosa faction) and Parliament.

It would be
not only to ensure a more efficient functioning of the Parliament, but also
it is more difficult for the anti-Ramaphosa faction to develop their support base among

ANC's outrageous (and totally unacceptable Jessie's) responses to the
criticism of the lists, it is clear that even they are beginning to recognize
that it is a big mess. As often, one has to wonder what took them so

– Melanie Verwoerd is a former member of the ANC and South African ambbadador to Ireland.

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