The application Bonzun, virtual midwife, attack myths and misconceptions about pregnancy


Everyone was born, said Bonnie Roupé at INSIDER, so an application for pregnant women has the potential to involve everyone on the planet.

Founded by Roupé in 2012, Bonzun works as a virtual midwife and provides users with information about their baby's growth and the meaning of changes in their body.

Roupé is a serial entrepreneur who created Bonzun after having already created a sports and health magazine called Red Tee. Last year she was named one of Sweden's most powerful women because of her influence in the technology sector.

However, the idea was born because when she was pregnant herself, Roup realized that there was no resource for credible and accurate information, and many web pages gave outdated, irrelevant and even harmful advice.

Whenever she wanted information she could trust, she had to call in health professionals and go to the doctor's office or the hospital.

"We are so much in the hands of our midwives and our doctors that we do not have the proper education ourselves," said Roupé. "And what surprises me is that knowledge about the risk of pregnancy is very low everywhere."

Although pregnancy is one of the most normal things in the world, many problems can occur.

Read more: 31 Surprising Things You Might Not Know About Pregnancy

For example, 300,000 mothers die each year during pregnancy and childbirth. More than five million children are stillborn or die within 24 hours and seven million are born with birth defects each year.

Health problems that affect the mother include HELLP syndrome, gestational diabetes, anemia and blood clots.

But these are facts that most people do not know.

Ectopic pregnancy and pre-eclampsia are two of the most common problems

About 1-2% of pregnancies on average are ectopic, that is to say when the embryo attaches to the outside of the uterus, usually in the & &,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. one of the fallopian tubes. This figure is higher in China between 2.3 and 4.1%, which means that there are about 900,000 cases each year.

The first signs and symptoms usually include abdominal pain and badl bleeding, and it is very rare for the fetus to survive.

According to Bonzun, statistics suggest that 27,060 women in China died from an ectopic pregnancy in 2014, or 74 each day. With proper health information, people would know that the prognosis for the mother is good if the fetus is aborted and the risk of death drops to 0.1-0.3%.

Preeclampsia is responsible for 40 to 60% of maternal deaths in developing countries. Yet, many women do not experience the symptoms of high blood pressure, swelling, severe headaches and pain under the ribs. Roupé herself suffered pre-eclampsia during her second child's pregnancy, but was one of many women not to be aware of what was happening. The goal of Bonzun, she said, is to prevent this from happening. "We are not told what to do for ourselves," said Roupé. "We are always simply asked to contact our doctors if we are concerned, but perhaps we would like to have basic knowledge first."


The Bonzun My Pregnancy app has been downloaded more than two million times in 79 countries so far.

One of its features is to help women understand when to see a doctor or stay at home.

Women can research their symptoms and check with their AI doctor what they mean.

The application also explains test results and monitors progress, such as movements, growth and blood pressure of the mother, over time. The next feature will provide relevant information for women who are undergoing IVF treatment.

This would not only help women to better control their health, but would also save valuable time on the time that pregnant women spend in doctor's offices and hospitals.

Read more: 7 Things to Know Before You Try to Get Pregnant

Roupé thinks that spreading erroneous information about pregnancy could be due to the fact that we think that pregnant women should not be stressed or frightened by what can potentially go wrong.

"Something that got me frustrated during my pregnancy that I did not get all the information I needed," she said. "There was someone who filtered the information, someone who decided what to tell me and what not to tell me … They treat you like a little child who should be protected … Like protecting this little female brain. "

It's not everyone who feels the "pregnancy glow"

It is also difficult to ignore how pregnancy is described in the media. Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton, for example, have been regularly complimented for their pregnant belly in full bloom. But it's not because you see a photo of the royal family wearing heels that's its standard.

"You do not know if she just took three steps in high heels just for the photo, or if she's one of those rare people who can walk with high heels during pregnancy," said Roupé. "Because most women can not."

In addition, the "pregnancy glow" is not universal. This is the result of hormonal fluctuations, an increase in blood flow and a skin more oily. But while all women undergo hormonal changes, they will not all see it on the surface. That does not mean that there is something wrong, but not feeling beautiful and "radiant" can cause some women to be ashamed of their experience, said Roupé.

"We think pregnancy is a magical time," said Roupé. "And if it does not seem magical, then there must be something wrong with you."

The Duchess of Susbad is expecting her baby in late April or early May.
Samir Hussein / Getty

People become more honest about the realities of pregnancy

The reality is that many pregnant women find these nine months incredibly difficult. Even in the absence of health problems, women may experience discomfort, swelling, and illness.

Some high-level women have been frank about their struggles during pregnancy, suggesting that the discussion about pregnancy begins.

Last year, Serena Williams talked to Vogue about the blood clots that formed right after her daughter was born. His caesarean section injury also broke out and a large hematoma flooded his abdomen with blood.

Beyoncé Knowles had pre-eclampsia when she was pregnant with her twins. She told Vogue that this meant she had to have an emergency cesarean section because her health and that of her children were in danger.

Actress Amy Schumer also documented her pregnancy on social media, showing less prestigious aspects, such as the serious morning sickness called Hyperemesis gravidarum.

Roup said that we should no longer put pregnant women on a pedestal and accept the fact that pregnancy can be difficult. She also said that pregnancy was only a short period of your life, and that it was over. The idea that women who have children lose their value is incredibly outmoded.

"By the time people died when they were 35 years old, so I guess if you had your child when you were 25, that was your life," she said. "Having a child was the goal of being a woman, so when you were pregnant you were at the forefront of your power and authority, but that is no longer the case."

Roupé believes that Bonzun gives women the power to take control of their health during pregnancy, which she says has been long overdue.

"I think it's time for the patriarchy to be dead," she said. "It's empowering pregnant women because knowledge is a power, and we just decide to tell pregnant women everything."

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