The Avengers win the war of infinity, Endgame marks the beginning of a new timeline


Avengers: End of the game MCU has taken the road of time travel, but Scarlet Witch may have already defeated Thanos and won the war against Infinity. Start in the post-credit segments of Captain America: The Winter SoldierElizabeth Olsen's scarlet witch may not be one of the most prominent Avengers in the Marvel film world, but she is arguably one of the most powerful. This has been shown in unequivocal terms during the apogee of Avengers: war in the infinite.

Because of her education and superpowers steeped in Infinity Stone, Scarlet Witch is truly a lost soul, especially after the death of her brother, Quicksilver, in Avengers: the era of Ultron. Inspired by Marvel comics, Scarlet Witch discovers a spirit similar to Vision, an artificial form of life also conferred on the Infinity Stones, and the two embark on an underground adventure, meeting in secret to maintain kebab houses. Scottish. All this adds to the feeling of tragedy when Vision asks his partner, as one of the few beings powerful enough for the task, to destroy the mental stone and prevent Thanos from completing the collection in his glove.

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In tears, Scarlet Witch has no choice but to fulfill Vision's wish. However, Thanos makes his struggle effortlessly useless with the stone of time, bringing events back up for a few seconds and preventing the destruction of the mental stone. Now that the time travel rules in the MCU have finally been defined, thanks to Avengers: End of the gamewe could theorize that Scarlet Witch's actions really saved the world. Or one of them at least.

Avengers: Endgame created the multiverse

Avengers Endgame Quantum Realm is suitable for Hulk

The idea that the MCU exists as part of a multiverse, as is the case in the Marvel comics, had already been mentioned at once. Strange doctor and Ant-Man & The Wasphowever Avengers: End of the game has taken this concept to a whole new level and there are two key scenes that establish the mechanisms of several timelines within the franchise. The first occurs when the Avengers test their prototype Quantum Realm combination and discuss the operation of time travel in the world of film and television. Here, the public learns that the present can not be rewritten by going back in time and changing the past. War Machine suggests going back to the time when Thanos was only a gem of purple joy and killing him to prevent the Titan from becoming a threat, but Hulk and Nebula confirm that it would not be the case. Instead, the Thanos in the past would have lost their lives, but the snap-happy villain of the present would have always achieved his goal.

Tilda Swinton's Ancient One develops this breathtaking science lesson as Hulk attempts to steal her time stone. Ms. One reveals that changing the past will also create a dissident timeline, noting that if she lent Hulk her Agamotto eye, her own timeline would be threatened by inter-dimensional entities and the Earth of this period would suffer different destiny, but always apocalyptic, of the one that Hulk tries to prevent.

These rules have several implications. First, the slightest changes to the timeline can lead to the birth of a whole new reality, which can lead to countless alternative worlds. And secondly, there is much more at stake than the only part of the MCU that the audience sees, potentially including more than 14,000,000 futures where Thanos has actually won. By violating the laws of nature, Avengers can not simply prioritize their own universe at the expense of all others.

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Red Witch Defeated Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War

Scarlet Witch almost prevented Thanos' attack by sacrificing Vision and destroying the Stone of Mind before the Crazy Titan could get their hands on it. And it would be drawn too, if it was from the very hectic Time Stone, Thanos had the habit of canceling Vision's disappearance and then removing the last stone of the front of the android. If it is supposed that any infringement in time creates a new divergence, then this scene sees Thanos divide the MCU.

In a scenario (the one the public sees), Thanos canceled the damage done to the mental stone and quickly completed his mission of eliminating half of life in the universe, thus beginning a period of mourning and, finally, the events of Avengers: End of the game. Considering this scene next to the logic of the old, according to which events can never be rewritten, and that changing the past only emerges a new calendar, and the could argue that another calendar should exists where Scarlet Witch's plan worked and the MCU was recorded. Somewhere in the multiverse is a world where the mental stone has been broken and the instant capture scenario has been avoided. The Avengers have won the war of the infinite.

What would happen to Thanos in this situation is perhaps less clear. As a time stone controller, he might have instantly abandoned the universe where Scarlet Witch destroyed the stone of mind and populated another where Vision was brought back to life. Alternatively, the divergence in the chronologies could have created two versions of Thanos (with all the others in the Universe): the one that rewinds time and flies away, and the one that has to face after losing to Scarlet Witch. In the second scenario, it seems likely that the Avengers will soon find a way to defeat the Titan without the added pressure of worrying about his increasingly colorful glove.

The end of the game (and the rest of the MCU) takes place in a new timeline

Tom Holland in the role of Peter Parker and Jake Gyllenhaal as Mysterio in Spider-Man away from home

If this theory is correct, everything that happens after the great moment of Scarlet Witch exists in a brand new restarted MCU, including Avengers: End of the game and Spider-Man: far from home. What the public is currently viewing is not in the same world as the previous films, but rather in a branch chronology created by Thanos, resurrecting Vision and rebuilding the Stone of Mind, with the same story and the same characters that previously, but leaving aside the "prime" timeline of the MCU.

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According to the terms of this theory, however, the MCU's main storyline has already been abandoned for a long time, because Dr. Strange fully exploited the power of Time Stone in his 2016 solo film and thus would have already diverted the attention of the scenario of the origin of the franchise. playing with an apple, then later preventing the release of the Dark Dimension.

Spider-Man: far from home is about to present Mysterio of Jake Gyllenhaal, a character who claims to have traveled from another world through a crack of the multiverse created by the events of Avengers: End of the game. Although Mysterio's account can not necessarily be taken for cash, it seems that Spidey's next adventure fully embraces the idea of ​​parallel realities within the MCU and sets a precedent for the franchise.

The fatal flaw in Avengers: Endgame's time travel logic

Thanos Infinity Gauntlet

The strength of this theory lies largely in the way viewers interpret the power of the time stone. One could say that Drs. Strange and Thanos use only the power of stone to rewind a certain element of the current timeline, which will not create a different world, as the past would usually do. This is certainly the subject of debate and has not yet been addressed in the MCU, but the former seems to indicate that any interference in the chronology can create divisions in the natural flow and that the use of stone certainly time falls in this category.

In a problematic manner, the Russo brothers or writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely clearly did not intend to suggest that Scarlet Witch had beaten Thanos in another scenario, resulting in several inconsistencies. If the use of the time stone to rewrite Vision's death created a distinct timeline, would this new reality plan have its own set of Infinity stones? This was certainly the case when the Avengers returned to the quantum realm. Moreover, if Thanos leaped from reality with a destroyed spirit stone, would not this world have its own version of Thanos?

The possibilities and implications are, like the multiverse itself, seemingly endless and are an expected consequence of Avengers: End of the gamedependence of the trip in time. Very few stories involving a change in deadlines have a full logical meaning and require a suspension of audience incredulity more habitual than usual, as any badysis often reveals flaws and errors. plot holes. Now that the Infinity saga is officially over, it is unlikely that the MCU will deepen the operation of the time stone and clarify this simulation scenario, but the multiverse should play a big role in the future of the series. it is possible that the consequences of the antics that defy the physics of the Avengers have not yet been revealed.

More: Spider-Man: All the evidence that Mysterio lies on the multiverse in Spider-Man: Away from home

Key release dates

  • Spider-Man: Away from Home (2019) release date: Jul 02, 2019

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