The bacteria in your stomach can now help with blood transfusion. here's how


New Delhi: The researchers found that microbes present in the human stomach are able to convert blood group A to blood group from a universal donor. Microbes in the intestine produce two enzymes that could help with the transformation. The project, which is still under investigation, could revolutionize blood transfusion and blood donation in patients and donors.

For blood transfusion to be successful, the blood group of the donor must match that of the patient. It should be noted that people usually have one of four types of blood – A, B, AB or O. These blood types are explained on the basis of the sugar molecules that appear on the surface of their red blood cells. Inaccurate blood transfusion may induce the immune system to attack new blood cells and destroy them.

Blood group "A" is the second blood group in importance. Blood group "O" could be given to all patients, making it a universal type. The conversion of "type A blood" to "universal type blood" can greatly badist emergencies, where nurses and physicians may not have the time to determine the patient's blood type.

Every year, more than 230 million major operations and 60 million trauma-induced surgeries are performed in the country. This generates a high demand for blood from patients and accident victims.

The research could be a major breakthrough in the field of blood donation and blood transfusion.

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