The best nose job trends in 2021, according to Dr Dara Liotta


In a city teeming with talent in cosmetic surgery (literally – there are certain stretches of Manhattan’s Upper West and East Sides where you can’t throw a stone without knocking on a plastic surgeon’s door), earning the accolade. as the most qualified specialist rhinoplasty surgeon in the tri-state area is no small feat. It takes a pure, unwavering focus on nose surgery to earn the title of New York’s Queen of Nose Work, and for the current holder of said crown, Dr. Dara Liotta, her MO has been all nose, everything. the time since the very start.

“It’s quite rare to have a rhinoplasty-only practice and it’s 98% of my practice,” says Dr. Liotta. “People come to me for my nose – I do between five and 20 nose surgeries a week. How true [with most anything], the more volume you do, the better off you will be.

“Better” is selling short because Dr. Liotta has racked up rave reviews touting her natural-looking nose work from well-heeled patients at her Park Avenue practice, and she has become the media expert for reference for major publications looking for someone. to influence the trends in rhinoplasty. She is simply the name in the nose.

Dr Liotta knew from the earliest days of her schooling that her path would lead to rhinoplasty – rock star status would naturally follow as her talent developed. “There are two routes that doctors can take to get into plastic surgery: one is to go to general plastic surgery, where you are affiliated with general surgery, and then to do plastic surgery as a subspecialty, or you can do head and neck surgery and have facial plastic surgery as a subspecialty, ”she explains. “One of my main motivations for getting into plastic surgery was reconstruction, cleft lip, cleft palate and rhinoplasty, so I chose this second route.”

After graduating from Columbia University medical school, Dr. Liotta completed a residency in otolaryngology (a fun way of saying head and neck surgery) at the New York Presbyterian Hospital, Columbia Presbyterian campuses. and Weill Cornell, and Memorial Sloan Kettering, followed by a Fellowship in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Lenox Hill Hospital. She received her certifications in Plastic Surgery and Otolaryngology, making her one of the few elite plastic surgeons to be certified in Dual Counseling in Facial Plastic Surgery and Head Surgery and by the neck.

“When you start your training with head and neck surgery [rather than general surgery], correcting a deviated septum is essentially the third surgery you learn during your five-year residency, ”she explains. “By the time you finish your residency, you have performed hundreds, if not thousands, of functional respiratory surgeries. In my mind, if I finished a rhinoplasty and someone wasn’t breathing better than they did before they started, it would be a major failure, although that’s not the reason they came to me.

She goes on to state that after years of training in which she only saw people for respiratory issues, it is subsequently rooted for her to correct this during rhinoplasties. “Every time I operate on a nose, I fix all the possible functional things that I can see that may be a problem later in life because my goal for them is that their nose never has to be touched again.” , she says. “I don’t want anyone to operate on them again for functional or cosmetic reasons.

It’s not just her training that is unique – Dr. Liotta’s entire approach is similar to that of a concierge for his patients, whether it’s their first surgery or if they come to see her for reviewing the work of a previous surgeon.

“Part of my consultation, especially for a primary rhinoplasty patient where we have their original anatomy and have the best chance of making the nose exactly what they want it to be, is to take pictures in the office. and then I’m going to imagine what I would do, “she said.” With imagery, my starting point is always to think, If I found them asleep in the operating room and they had no say in the surgery, what would I do to their noses myself? We take this imagery and I work with the patient to say whether they want to lower the bridge, or bring something closer, or add a bump. What is really important to me is that they understand what is possible given their anatomy and what exactly to expect during healing. My goal is for this to be a truly collaborative process and give them a voice because not everyone wants the same thing. Because I have a lot of experience and I use a lot of different techniques, I have the possibility to adapt the result.

This end result, regardless of the actual final shape or structure, is for his patients a natural look, but with an airbrush effect. “A well-made nose should allow people to look the same, but also to create almost this kind of really nice contouring makeup,” she notes. “To me that means the light hits you in a nice straight line down the center with a bit of shine at the end of the nose – just like you would with contour makeup. A really well done rhinoplasty allows your eye not to focus on any roughness or irregularities, but rather on your other beautiful features like your eyes and cheekbones.

As you can imagine, anyone who has seen that many noses over the years can tell you how rhinoplasty trends have evolved – including what a nose she is extremely happy that it is on the way out. “Baby’s little nose, the scratched nose look. I’m super glad it’s done. People are realizing that the low-deck scoop kind of really doesn’t age well. It’s the cartilage and bone that penetrates the skin that can give us angularity, and when there isn’t enough cartilage and bone volume, it can feel mushy.

In his place, Dr Liotta sees a return to a more natural nose. “A small straight bridge ages really better and the idea that it looks natural and breathes well is on the rise,” she says. “I have people coming in and specifically saying ‘I don’t want the news.’ I used to bring people in with pictures of someone like Natalie Portman, but now I see more nose shots of Blake Lively and Ariana Grande. People will also bring photos of Cate Blanchett as an example of someone who wants to keep a bump. [Obligatory disclaimer: Dr. Liotta does not claim that any of these celebs have had rhinoplasty surgery].

When talking about the evolution of rhinoplasty, Dr. Liotta chuckles. “The nose has literally seven pieces – two bones, two sheets of cartilage, two ribbons of cartilage that form the tip and the septum. All you can do as a surgeon is to rearrange and support these seven structures. It’s not the kind of surgery where you’re going to have some big, crazy new breakthroughs, unless someone develops some kind of new implant from some weird material. Advances in rhinoplasty are more about understanding how our bodies heal and being proactive about the issues we see as life evolves.

That said, she notes that social media and the improvements in camera phones over the years have been a double-edged sword for plastic surgeons, as it has made her patients more aware of their appearance and to communicate better what they like and dislike. “As surgeons, [social media] makes us perfectionists who are even more critical of our own work because we see it from so many other angles. It makes me nitpick the tiny micro-millimeters of healing, which wasn’t a thing for older generations of surgeons. It prompts me to research more techniques and think even more about tiny aspects of the nose that probably aren’t even considered by patients. “

Dr. Liotta’s hope is that one day soon plastic surgery will gain the same acceptance as other professional treatments enjoyed today. And if a procedure has to break through the taboo beauty barrier, she believes rhinoplasty has the best way to do it. “I really think people are more open about rhinoplasty, and I think rhinoplasty is going to be the first ‘acceptable’ facial plastic surgery that we talk about,” she says. “I think people who can’t breathe or people who have had a facial trauma like a broken nose are going to be the starting point to talk openly about rhinoplasty. I think rhinoplasty is going to be like the next Botox in that “oh, who doesn’t do that”.

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