The best time of the day to have protein based on your body goals


Looking to lose weight or go to the gym to develop your muscles? We all know that diet has a vital role to play in any body transformation, taking into account protein is an important aspect of a balanced diet, but when should you get your dose of protein to optimize the results? ?

Dietitian and author Susie Burrell determines when to eat protein to have the best chance of achieving your bodily goals.

When to eat protein if you are trying to develop muscle

In a recent study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, the researchers explained that if athletes ate protein shortly after training, they would be more likely to consume enough protein during the day to develop their muscles, which reinforces the belief that if you have a problem Protein The Shape Of A Shake Or A High Protein Meal – Shortly after exercise, you are more likely to develop muscle.

Susie Burrell recommends people who want to develop their muscles to eat protein before and after workouts.

"For those who wish to acquire lean muscle tissue, it is just as important to consume extra calories, just like getting ready for a workout session containing 20 to 30 g of protein 1 to 2 hours before you start." training, "explained Susie. still 20-30g. "

When to eat protein if you are trying to lose weight

Although few studies can say that a certain part of the day is better for protein consumption if you want to lose weight, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that eating late at night, regardless of the group food – it will not do you any good.

For Susie, the benefit of eating protein when trying to lose weight is that it makes you feel fuller longer. Instead of eating protein at some point in the day, Susie suggests incorporating protein into meals throughout the day.

"As a nutrient, proteins play several essential roles in regulating appetite and muscle recovery," says Susie. "As a general rule, consuming protein at regular intervals throughout the day will help control hunger and regulate blood sugar."

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