The biggest match interruption of our time


Wrestlers who try to distract other mid-match wrestlers are a staple of the company that has always existed. But I do not think we've ever seen it like that.

Tonight on NXT, when Matt Jedusor faced "The Finest", Kona Reeves, Take control Velveteen interrupted by his opponent. And he did it like him alone.

With Motherflippin 'style.

The man is deployed in a coach drinking a chalice. Velveteen Dream, we do not deserve you.

Riddle was able to survive the distraction and get out his opponent He drank in the chalice of Dream after the match so that we could be tied with regard to the spirit of play.

They will face each other at TakeOver: New York North American title of Dream. You can find the results of tonight's NXT here.

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