The Biscathorpe-2 well of Union Jack "far more promising than was previously stated"


Key news from the Proactive Investors UK press room.

Union Jack Oil (LON: UJO) welcomed the review of the Biscathorpe-2 well in Lincolnshire, which showed that it was much better than previously thought. The badysis highlights the presence of a column of 35 meters of good quality oil and the proximity of an efficient oil system.

Ceres Power (LON: CWR) and Doosan will collaborate to develop a solid oxide fuel cell power system for the commercial building market in South Korea. The agreement represents £ 8 million for Ceres over two years.

YellowCake (LON: YCA) has welcomed the decision of US President Donald Trump not to apply new trade restrictions on uranium imports into the United States.

Sports Direct has delayed its results by one month by the end of April, while its auditor is gathering more information on issues that could significantly affect the indications given last December.

Facebook is reported to have been fined 5 billion US dollars for breach of data confidentiality, according to reports reached this weekend. US authorities have investigated social media in the aftermath of the Cambridge Analytica scandal and the misuse of Facebook user data.

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