The Bluetooth timeout of Android is great


If you have purchased a new wireless headset and want to experience a simultaneous sound experience with your Android device, you have to wait longer because Android still can not.

Android operating system, especially with the customization options offered by many more favorite operating systems because of the statistics. However, we can not say that Android is the best in everything because devices that work with the Android operating system explore almost anywhere, depending on Bluetooth performance.


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Let's start by defining what we call the delay. While listening to music, watching videos, playing games, there is always a delay. The important point is that this delay is possible; 20 ms is below the level of discernment. Although values ​​between 50 and 80 ms create no disturbance, delays greater than 120 ms require us to return to the nerve cube with the wireless headset.

When using a wireless headset, you have noticed that when you press the "Play" button to start the music, the sound will sound about 1 second after the sound should reach your ear instantly. This delay is calculated for video and the sound is played simultaneously, but can cause many problems when playing games.


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In comparison, on the iOS platform (with AirPods), the latency is less than what a person can detect, and it brings a very enjoyable wireless headset experience to the user. Unfortunately, there is little information about when we can experience it on the Android platform.

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