The choice of Ya-Na for Nanton's skin is rejected; the inhabitants block the roads in a context of increasing tension


General News of Monday, April 1, 2019



Dagbon Ndan Tension play the videoThe youths vowed to resist any attempt to impose the candidate Ya-Na as Nanton Naa

Tension rises in Nanton, in the northern region, as residents block all roads leading to the city to protest the decision by the Dagbon suzerain, Ya-Na Abukari Mahama II, to appoint an Andani chief.

The people have vowed to resist any attempt to impose Ya-Na's candidate, Vo Naa Muhammadu Baba Bawa, as Nanton Naa.

Since Sunday evening, residents have set up roadblocks wielding offensive weapons to declare themselves ready to fight to defend their rights.

"Young people have blocked all roads entering the township. Many of them brandish sabers and offensive material, "our correspondent Christopher Amankwah reported on Monday.

They told our correspondent that they had information that the choice of Ya-Na, Vo Naa Muhammadu Baba Bawa, would go to the city, but they swore not to let him in "because he does not come not this place.

He reports that there is not yet security deployed in the area.

The spokesman for the people, Atiah Alhbadan, told our correspondent that they would not accept any Nanton Naa except Zoosali Naa Haruna Tia Sulemana.

He said the Nanton chieftainship was for Abudus and not for Andanis, noting that Abudu had never contested an Andani chieftaincy and therefore had no reason to choose the Ya Na.

According to him, 32 years ago, a Nantong Naa was chosen against tradition. something that he claimed almost resulted in a misunderstanding.

"You will never see an Abudu claim to an Andani siege," he said, noting that all cities in the region had Andanis as chiefs and that "it's only Nantong in this country." area that belongs to Abudus and they have now decided to give Nanton to Andani so we will not accept that. "

The population therefore calls on President Nana Akufo-Addo to "call back the Ya-Na" in order to avoid a degeneration.

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